Chapter 06- A Limo Ride to Remember

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Naruto looks out of the window in amazement as the vehicle drives along over the vast ocean. Meanwhile I lay m head on mom's lap to rest a little as I'm going through what you call a Psionic Meltdown. A Psionic Meltdown is similar to what people refer to as headaches, but much, much worse. This only happens whenever a user of Psionics awakens their powers or they feel whatever restrains their powers are removed. In this case since I'm now out of the barrier, the constraints in which dilutes my abilities is no longer there. Without the restraints, my Psionic powers are free and can cause my mind to go through agony. Luckily it only temporary- depending on what Psionic power one has. 

I'm just fortunate that I managed to have my Reality Warping powers under control without the need of such constraints. Imagine what catastrophic problems that would cause if the power ran free? 

I digress. I moan in pain as my mind aches in complete agony. Its hard to control my senses. Naruto looks back and looks on in worry.

"Is mom going to be alright?" He asked.

"He'll be fine Naruto." My mom replied, "He's just going through a term known as a Psionic Meltdown."

"Psionic Meltdown?"

"Its like the symptoms of a headache mixed with other symptoms that relate to the mind. It only happens when either one awakens their powers or the after effect of having their Psionic powers released from something that restrains the users abilities." Mom explained.

"Luckily...its only...temporary...Ach!" I winced and let out a piercing scream, " hurts!"

"Mom!" Naruto grabbed my hand.

"I'll be fine..sweetheart..." I  turn my head slightly to my son and smile weakly, "Just relax and enjoy yourself. Have some candy and refreshments." I weakly gesture to the huge stand of the vast amounts of confectionary and drinks. "You sure did go all out mom..." My voice weakens.

"Well I wanted to waste no expense." Mom giggles and gently soothes my head, "It'll be all over soon."

"I know..." Looking at Naruto who gleams at all the sweets made me smile. The boy takes a bag of candy and sits back in his seat happily.

"Would you like anything to eat? Drink?" Naruto asked me.

"I'll have some sparkling juice and a bag that says Bubblegum...Lilies..."  Naruto hands me the items in question. Just as I was about to thank him,  I felt a huge shockwave in my brain. My eyes widen and I let out another scream in agony.

"Ethan/mom!" Mom and Naruto exclaimed.

My vision became blurry and I was slowly slipping into darkness. I blink, but all I see is darkness. What's happening?

A shimmering light breaks through the darkness and explodes. I see myself with sight once more, only this time I was looking at different surroundings;

For a moment, I stand in front of a city that is bustling with people, all with happy faces and smiles. There appears to be some sort of festival going on as the townspeople were selling all sorts of stuff from plushies to food, sweets, miscellaneous goods, and all sorts. I look to my side to see a poster about the event.

'Magnolia Town- Fairy Tail Fantasia Parade'

Magnolia? I blinked,  I didn't know there was a city called Magnolia...

Wait. There's no place called Magnolia on Earth! Just where have I been transported to? 

A blonde girl walks past me with a blue cat which is walking on the railings. The girl gave off a weird yet familiar aura. My body moves on its own and I hover towards them.

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