Chapter88: Weak

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The situation changed drastically in a single day. Tama's health declined drastically even after reinstating the seal, and Akira and Karin were reluctant to leave her side in fear of losing her. Shisui, accompanied her as she went through her everyday life. For the rest of the four weeks, the girls would return from their training, eat, and go to see their elder sister, who was always happy to see them. Akemi and Yukiko were pleased to see that there was someone there for them when they couldn't be. While the girls trained, they would spend time with Shisui and Tama and try to get to know them.

"Do you plan to actually grade them all after this is over?", Akemi asked as she passed a piece of meat into Tama's bowl, prompting her to say a soft word of thanks. They had decided to share a meal with the girl today.

"No, I simply plan gauge out the strengths of our young ones while catching the attention of would-be clients.", Tama said softly. Akemi cooed excitedly.

"What if we don't catch anyone's attention? That happens, doesn't it?", she asked. Yukiko nodded in agreement. It was never guaranteed that they would be successful after this. Tama smiled the shadow of a smile.

"Yes. Then we make ends meet. I can make a few arrangements, anyway.", she said softly. She watched bitterly as Shisui readily picked up her chopsticks and made to feed her.

"How sweet of you to give up your comfort to attend to this little person.", she said, almost hissing in annoyance. Shisui only shrugged, smiling beamishly at her. Her expression remained blank.

"I guarantee you, it is my greatest honour, ojōsama.", he teased. At this, the girl fell silent, and looked away.

"Come now, do you expect me to ignore a dying woman in need?", he asked. And what exactly she was in need of, Tama didn't know. She did know, however, that she wouldn't entertain him. Anyway, it wasn't like she would drop dead at any given moment, she planned to see the Chūnin exams through.

"I'm not weakened, you know. It's mostly just pain.", she whispered, still making no move to eat as yet.

"Sure, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't help you.", Shisui quickly retorted, still holding up the chopsticks and waiting. Begrudgingly, the girl opened her mouth and let him feed her. This was very embarrassing, honestly, but what could she do?

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask. How did you come to meet Karin-chan and Akira-chan?", Yukiko asked.

"I met them last year during the Chūnin exams.", Tama said after slowly swallowing her food. In all honesty, she was very hungry, but not being able to feed herself was so disparaging that she was slowly losing her appetite.

"Then she saw their Kusagakure hitai-ate and immediately went to spy on the village they came from. Then she decided to take them.", Shisui explained when she didn't bother to. Akemi nodded in understanding. Tama was such a strange girl with her half spoken information.

"The Hokage has agreed to hand over councillor Danzō after she has investigated him thoroughly. During that time I will need you to prepare envoys to Sunagakure, Amegakure, Kusagakure, and the Daimyō.", Tama said again, before opening her mouth for another bit of food.

"What for?", Shisui asked, curious.

"I'd like to stir up some trouble.", she said, causing everyone to look around, confused. However, on Shisui's face dawned a very knowing look. Well then, this was terribly worrisome.

"Did I startle you?", Tama asked coolly as she rose her hand to take hold of his. The cold sensation brought him back very quickly, and only then did he realise that he had paused, making him look silly and out of his mind. At this, he locked gazes with Tama, and found himself lost in an icy pool.

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