Chapter87: Return

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"Kun yoi nu hanashi nu umu saasoori ga. Chuu nu hanashi ya ippe umussan, taachi nu mabuya ga kuruchisondō. 'Nnaa ya watta ga gamaku ni njuun. Kuma chuun, uminaibi. Kuma chuun, kkuwa." (Okinawan: How good are the words of tonight? Todays words are very beautiful, two storytelling souls of ours. Everyone will witness our power. Come here, princess. Come here, child.) (I hope I didn't butcher it with my litte knowledge)

Then, Tama was taken into the embrace of unseen arms, and everything felt right. Then, the light disappeared, and she was cold again, with someone's arms around her.

"Tamakiku-hime? Are you with us?", Mizubana asked softly as Shisui supported the girl. She hummed softly in response as she came to, but made no move to rise. Instead, she coiled into a ball in the arms of whoever was holding her.

"Ah, the princess is tired then. Shall soba-sama bring you something to eat?", the old woman said laughingly. There was another hum, this time in agreement.

"Soba-sama?", Tsunade choked out. What did this woman mean? Surely she couldn't be Tama's great grandmother? That was impossible.

"Yes. Excuse me for not introducing myself earlier. I am Uzumaki Mizubana, Tamakiku-hime's third generation paternal grandmother.", Mizubana said as she lowered her head, slightly, in greeting. She then excused herself and left immediately.


"We should get you somewhere more comfortable.", Shisui said softly.

"This is fine.", Tama finally whispered. She didn't see the need to move when she was so tired and in pain. Really, that would just be more uncomfortable.

"Tamakiku, that woman; is she really who she claims to be?", Tsunade asked lowly. There was a long moment of silence before the girl hummed in response. In affirmation.

"Tea.", she then said softly into the rich fabric of Tamaki's kimono. Suiren got to work immediately and Tama felt a heavy blanket drape over her. With a satisfied sigh, she whispered, "Thank you."

"It's alright.", Tsunade said softly, before looking at Shikaku, who now stood at the entrance, waiting for her. She stood and went to attend to him.

"I'm sorry.", Tama whispered, once she knew the woman was gone. With an inquisitive hum, Shisui looked down at her.

"I'll reinstate the seal so nothing like this happens again.", she said again.

"Was that the seal? It looked more like a tantrum to me.", the young man said. Tama slapped his arm lightly, releasing a painful sounding chuckle. At this, Shisui supported her so that she could sit down where Suiren had set up her little stove for tea.

"For someone who's pedantic about your health, you really don't take care of yourself as you should.", he said. Suiren, who was facing them from the other side of the stove, lifted her gaze ever so slightly to see Tama rolling her eyes and and Shisui sticking out his tongue at her.

"Childish much.", she scoffed, but had to hold back a blush at the memory of just how young these two people were. Shisui seemed to remember something as a blush took over his features. At this, Suiren looked at the two kids, confused.

"It seems you can't escape me this year. Happy eighteenth birthday, Tamakiku-hime.", Shisui sang heartily. Tama blushed profusely, as if she had just been asked for her hand in marriage.

"Thank you.", she said lightly. Averting her gaze was all she could do to avoid the boy, because if she actually move she surely would fall. With a hearty laugh, Suiren said, "It's your birthday? That's wonderful! We'll treat you to a feast tonight, then!"

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