Chapter86: Soba-sama

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They knelt down in a line against the outer wall of the shrine. Kakashi, Shizune, Aboa and Santa clearly didn't understand what was going on, but seemed to grasp the general idea. So they waited outside as the elaborately dressed Mizubana navigated her own way through the shrine.

"Where is Tamakiku-hime?", she called out as she began to descend to the lower level.

In the main shrine, Suiren suddenly sat nimrod straight as a voice unfamiliar to Tsunade called out. After two days, Tama still hasn't awoken and everyone was starting to wonder if she ever would. Nara Shikaku had been asked to return and was currently using his clan's Shadow Possession jutsu to help Tama stand.

Suiren immediately got to her feet, abandoning her station at Tamaki's side and running to meet the woman in the doorway. Kneeling down and lowering her head, she greeted, "Mizubana-sama welcome!"

"Suiren. What happened to the princess?", Mizubana asked softly as Suiren took her hand. The young woman looked around, uncertain as to how to explain. At this, Shisui immediately said, "Suitatsumi came and told us that Tama-san is in trance. Apparently the situation is so dire that she might not be able to come out it."

"Suitatsumi said that you could help her.", Suiren said, tugging at the woman's hand.

"Me? What could an old priestess like myself possibly do? That old retard thinks he's smart saying the most random things about me!", the woman chimed as she approached the girl. She sat down and brought out a scroll and opened it on the floor in front of her. From one of the many storage seals on it, she retrieved a shaman's radle. She started shaking it, eyes closed, and listened carefully. Shikaku looked at Tsunade, who looked at Suiren, who looked at Tamaki. The young man seemed to have gotten lost somewhere along the line, causing Suiren to simply avoid the scrutinising gazes of the two, much older adluts.

"I'm getting a response, she seems to know what to do. Make her sit down and cross her legs, quickly.", Mizubana said as she crossed her legs, herself. Shikaku did as he was told and sat down, then crossed his legs. Tama did the same, and now he finally took the chance to have a good look at her. They said she was warm, but she looked very lifeless and cold to him. It even hurt to look for too long. If ever he found Shikamaru like that he sure as hell would need to kill someone. At that, the image of Fugaku came to mind. What would he do if he found this child like this? Sure, they found out that she wasn't his, but that didn't change the fact that he raised her, right?

"Keep close to her. Be ready for anything.", she said to Tamaki, the boy nodded seriously. Then, Mizubana began the real ritual. Almost as if having a seizure while seated, she shook. It wasn't clear where the sound came from, but little bells could also be heard along with the raddle.

"Brace yourselves!", Suiren called as she immediately scooted close to Mizubana, just in case she would be needed.

"Is he alright?", Shikaku asked Tsunade. He was referring to Tamaki, who had a spasming Tama secure in his arms but wasn't much better of.

"I— I'm fine.", the young croacked as he seemed to struggle. Then, there was a burst of light, and a laugh like spring rain in a meadow.


"What could you be on about, now?", Sakura grumbled as she walked through the hospital. Apparently, Shizune came back from her mission and was currently helping Lady Tsunade with something super important. There was a lady who passed out that they were attending to, the situation seemed dire.

"I'm talking about some lady who passed out, I didn't get a good look at her but I recognised her when my old man tried to get me to use shadow possession jutsu on her."

"And?", Sakura asked. Shikamaru groaned. Why wasn't she getting his point?

"Alright, so she looked a lot like Sasuke's older sister; the one who took care of Naruto. So I kinda chickened out when I saw her face."

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