Chapter81: I Was Once A Fly On The Wall

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"Sakura-chan! Hey!", Karin screeched at the top of her lungs, causing Tama to sigh tiredly. Sakura, who was waiting at the entrance to a long passage, perked up and waved excitedly. The girls immediately broke into a sprint to meet their friend.

"That's cute.", Sen said with a soft chuckle. Next to her, an amused Tamaki stifled a laugh. It was very rare to see those girls like that.

"Do you let them just do that?", Suiren asked as she came to stand next to Tama. The younger lady simply nodded in response before saying, "They find each other's company comforting. I don't wish to take that away from them."

"Naturally, as their elder sister it only makes sense for you to want for them to be happy.", Suiren admitted. Tama paused, stole her a brief glance, and cast the shadow of a smile. Suiren couldn't help but blush where she stood rooted, holding her breath. At this, both Shisui and Sen broke into hysterical laughter.

"She has that effect. It's okay, no one gets used to it.", Shisui said laughingly, swiping at the long blond hair of his disguise. Suiren heaved a heavy breath as she started walking again, not missing when Sen remarked, "Yet somehow you don't get all sweaty and flustered like we do."

It was true, and Suiren wasn't about to believe that it was because the young man was familiar with Tama. They both clearly kept a polite distance from each other, an indicator of a relationship between no more than just acquaintances.

"Oh trust me, I'm not immune that intense gaze and the water-like voice. I guess we just react to it differently.", Shisui mused dreamily. Sen, startled, suppressed a cackle when she caught sight of Tama staring at them blankly.

"Shall you find your own way?", the girl asked coolly, and Sen rushed to her side immediately. She wasn't about to miss dinner because she got lost in the Senju clan residence. With that, Tama turned around and walked away, prompting the rest of the group to follow hurriedly.

The dining hall was lavish, traditional and not much different from Tama's, with the only differences being the setups and the decor. Tama's dining hall was, for the lack of a better word, bland. This was strange when looking at how lavishly she dressed no matter the occasion, but no one really judged her, because she was always too busy.

Now that she thought about it, Suiren wondered if it would be a good idea to decorate the place when they got back. That thought had to be held back as they seated themselves and their hostess rose to greet them.

"Well then, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Senju Tsunade.", she began, and out of habit, the entirety of the Uzumaki clan bowed. The Tamaki clan, easily recognisable by their different hair and various skin tones, followed immediately. They all said a curt greeting, and at this, Tsunade had to bite back a sound of surprise. In respone, she swiftly said, "Right. I don't really do speeches if that's fine with you, but I actually asked you to come here so I could give you a special welcome to Konoha as the last remaining member of the Senju clan."

"What do you mean, last remianing?", one male choked out, purely shocked if not petrified.

"She means just that. Most of the Senju clan were killed during the third Shinobi World War. The few that were left weren't really pureblooded so they didn't have the means to go on as a clan, so they intermingled with the rest of the village.", Akira explained from next to her pink haired friend. The girl and Karin both nodded seriously.

There was a long moment of silence. Tsunade cast Tama a glance, the girl only noded curtly. Then, there was a sickly groan.

"I can't believe it! No way!", a young male, seemingly in his early twenties, cried. Someone immediately caught him as he fainted where he knelt. Another look at Tama, and Tsunade was thoroughly confused at how unaffected the girl was. So she cast Tamaki a subtle glance, which didn't go unnoticed as the young man mouthed, "I'm so sorry."

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