Chapter85: Tanuki To Kitsune

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~The Racoon dog and the fox~

Gaara watched as Temari finished writing a letter to her right hand, who was left in charge of Sunagakure in her absence. Things looked bleak for their genin this year with the debut of the Uzumaki clan stealing the show, however, Temari believed that their ties to Tama could be advantageous. For one, Sunagakure had a lot of wind style users who were whack, but if they could form a strong enough alliance with the Uzumaki clan they could easily change that. Wind style was Temari's obsession, mainly because of how difficult it was to master, but she herself was hailed an genius in that category. She only claimed it was just very difficult having to teach it, but Gaara knew it was because she really didn't have that patience.

"You go and look for Uchiha-san while Kankuro checks in with the genin to get the full story as to what they saw.", she finally said tiredly. During the hurricane three days ago, she had gotten very busy rounding up everyone from her village and showing them who to follow to safety.

"Right.", Gaara said. There was still that trauma from the precious year weighing on the Fuuma siblings. The death of their father, the assault on Konoha, and Orochimaru's deceit. There might have been an alliance, but Sunagakure was clear not liked. Being in Konoha was like walking on thin ice, and sometimes like getting stuck in quicksand. These were the thoughts that ran in his mind all day, coupled with how Temari and Tama saved him the previous year when the council wanted him dead.

There had been talks to remove the Fuuma clan as the Kazekage clan altogether since the heir was a danger, and to execute him for all the killing he had done in the village. However, Temari argued that the Fuuma clan had three siblings, it wasn't right to just look at one. She made it known that she and Kankuro would watch Gaara if they left them be. So it was decided that they would agree based on who had the best leadership qualities, Temari ended up gaining favour among the people. Kankuro ended up gaining a position in the military force comand centre.

Gaara himself was still working on gaining public favour, but by the looks of it, the council was keen on gaining his wisdom and wit. He wasn't very keen to venture into that at all, unless maybe there would be a council reform of sorts.

"Can I help you, Sabaku no Gaara?"

Before the previous Chūnin exams, several members of the Uzumaki clan scaled Sunagakure like it was nothing. It wasn't clear how the re-banded, nor how they got into the village after Tama sent a single letter and no requests for permits. So he wasn't shocked when an Uzumaki male easily recognised him from within the sea of red hair even with his own crimson crown. Other than his attire, he could easily say it was because of his short hair. Everyone here had such long, lustrous hair worn in simple but meaningful hairstyles, even the Tamaki clan.

"I'm looking Uchiha-san.", he said. The man cocked his head to the side, curious, but didn't ask whatever he seemed to want to ask.

"I'm afraid you're out of luck, son. She's M-I-A. Can I take a message?"

"Tell her the Kazekage was hoping to meet with her. We're three inns down the leeward side.", Gaara said. The man nodded simply, and the boy left without another word.


Gaara sat cross-legged across from Tama, hands together as she had shown him. The whole place was silent in order to allow absolute concentration. He could hear Shukaku quite well in the very back of his mind, he was trying something. Suspicious, Gaara began searching, loking for the beast to see what he was up to.

"Let him come to you.", Tama said softly. There was a thin layer of sweat flowing down his forhead, he could feel it from within his mind-scape.

"Don't do that. You're straining yourself.", she said again. He had no idea what she meant by that, but he knew he was already starting to feel tired and they had only just begun. She must have noticed that. There was the sound of a chime, a shaman's raddle, and then there was light.

Suddenly he could see her, not in front of him... Well, she was in front of him, but in his Bijuu plane, and Shukaku was there as well. He could feel him right behind him. Tama slowly walked towards Gaara and sat down.

"Right. Let's see what you can do.", she said. Confused, Gaara looked at her curiously. She nodded towards the beast and softly said, "If you don't want him to fight or hurt you anymore, then you need to find common ground. I need you to not run from him now, but don't let him overpower you. I'll be right here for you."

Slowly, hesitantly, Gaara turned around and locked eyes with the beast. However, he was shocked to see the Sharingan in the place of its eyes. He looked back at Tama, who nodded reassuringly.

"I'm going to dispel the Sharingan. Remember; I'm right here."

He took in a deep breath and turned back around. This time, Shukaku was consciously watching his every move. Not even a second passed before the blood lust rose in the air and choked him like some thick, pungent stench. He found himself taking a haphazard step back as the beast inched closer, growling lowly. His heart leapt into his throat, he wanted to leave, and Shukaku must've felt that because he immediately pounced.

"He smells your fear. He feeds on it.", Tama sang. Gaara broke into a sprint immediately, alarmed by the older girl's words. If that was the case then wouldn't it be better into completely seal the beast away? Why not try to find a way to get rid of it? Lost in his thoughts, he failed to see the giant paw that came his way, and found himself shivering in place, wide-eyed and out of the Bijuu plane as the raddle chimed again. He couldn't help the tears that fell after that, and Tama was very quick to respond by taking him into her warm embrace.

"Hey now, it's alright, little one. I promised you that you wouldn't get hurt, didn't I. Did you get hurt when I wasn't looking? Show me quickly so I can fix it.", she said softly. Gaara looked at himself through his tears, feeling for anything that might have had the slightest bit of pain. Nothing. He looked up at Tama, unable to respond.

"See? I always keep my promises. Now, I think that's enough for today. What shall I cook for you tonight?", she said as she picked him up and carried him outside. On the floor, sitting against the wall, Temari and Kankuro shared a very confused look, before making to follow.


Midday, and Mizubana's band had finally arrived in Konoha after two and a half days of travel. In truth, Shizune, Aoba and Santa were relieved to be back home, but they now had Tsunade to face so it wasn't all that exciting.

"This place doesn't compare to Uzushio.", Hotaru said as they walked past the Hokage tower.

"Of course not.", Akemi said softly. She could still remember her childhood home like she was there the day before. She and Yukiko were born to two fine shinobi, and they were well protect from the effects of the civil war that was raging at the time in Uzushio. However, their own joy was short lived when the village started getting destroyed, the Uzumaki clan was falling apart from the inside out. Their parents died, then they saw the truth.

She remembered a group of children banding together and running away, she took her little sister and joined them. They became nomads for the longest time, up until adulthood, all the while losing members of their troupe to starvation and illness.

"This is where they took Kushina-san all those years ago. Out of all of us she was the safest upon leaving Uzushiogakure.", Yukiko said softly.

"Why did they bring her here?", Nami asked.

"For the same reason my granddaughter was brought here. To become Kyuubi no Kitsune's Jinchūriki. It was a tradition.", Mizubana said as she looked around for someone to show her where Tama would be. She spotted a familiar head walking down the road ahead of them, minding his own business.

"You there, Kakashi of the Sharingan!", she called. People all over the street stopped and gawked at the man who had been called, as he looked around, startled.

"Here! I would like to request your assistance in locating your Hokage!", Mizubana declared.

"Oh? Well I'd love to but, Hokage-sama is really busy right now-"

"Please, Hatake-san, it's absolutely urgent.", Aoba said seriously. At this, Kakashi sighed and nodded. He wasn't really in the mood for arguments since he was so tired. Tsunade had him doing so many misiions it wasn't even fair, but he was the only one she trusted well enough so he couldn't complain.

"This way, then.", he said, and he immediately got on his way.

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