Chapter 1

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Hi. I'm Victoria caylen. An average 18 year old girl. I live with my big brother Jc caylen. He's the best brother in the world! Our parents left us when we were 10 and we had to move in with our aunt. When I turned 18 my aunt kicked us out, she said "we were a mess." whatever jerk. Anyways, its a typical Wednesday morning and I have to get ready for school. We can wear whatever we want to school so I put on my white crop top and white high wasted shorts with white converse. I like this look. My hair is super long and curly so I let it lose. I put on one of my flower crowns. It had white flowers on it. Now let me tell you about me big-


-brother. He's 19 and he should be in college but he failed 11th grade because he got bullied so much he never showed up. He gets bullied for being a nerd. And oh yes... my brother is a nerd. And he knows it. I love him anyways we only have each other so I'm always there for him and he's always there for me.

"Coming!" I walked down our stairs and went to the kitchen to see Jc all ready for school. "Ya ready?" he asked me. "Yup." I replied grabbing our penny boards. I handed him his but he gave me a confused look. "Um do you know how unsafe that is?! If we rode those to school we could die! According to gravity whatever goes up must come down so we'll be UP on our penny boards and of we make a mistake we will go DOWN!" I looked at him annoyed. "Jc are you serious." he grabbed my wrist and lead me to his car. I connected my blue tooth from my phone to his car. I played "Nasty freestyle."

"FIRST LEMME HOP OUT THE MF PORSHE ION WANNA HI-" Jc quickly turned of the radio. "What is that non sense!?" I started to laugh. "Jc c'mon!" he kept looking at the rode. "I need to concentrate I don't need that stupid music playing." I sighed and just went on Instagram and liked a couple of my friends pics.

We got to school about 5 mins later and we got out of the car. "Woah why are you hanging out with him pretty lady?" This random kid came up to me. "He's my brother idiot I hang out with him everyday." Jc and I kept walking. People always ask me if we're really related because I guess u could say I'm the "popular" one but I really don't care about being "popular." Jc and I have every class together which I awesome. But of course every good thing has its bads... Kian Lawley is also in all of our classes. You might be thinking, what's so bad about this Kian kid? Well I'll tell you. He's my brothers bully. Kian is super tall and he dyes his hair quite often. He's actually super attractive but I can't like him. And I never will. Worst part is Kian sits right next to me. In.every.class. Stupid assigned seats. And my brother sits behind me. Jc and I walked to our first period together. This was his favorite subject.


My brothers bully//FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now