knowledge is power

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A/N all right so I just want to let you know something I'm going to try something new here that I haven't been doing in my last Parts I was told this might be an easier way for you guys to understand it so here's what I'm going to be using when the sentence is ended I hope I'm using this right I'm not very good with sentences myself in real life either I mean I can write them no problem but you get the idea I'm going to try this when I'm end my sentence when my character is speaking , that is what I'm going to use I hope that is what it is used to end a sentence and then begin another one I know it's a period but I use a period at the end of a full paragraph to let you know I'm moving on so I hope that works and if it doesn't then I'll use. Please let me know what you guys want me to do and I will try my best anyway with all that said let's get to the story and also a note if you are not over the age of 17 please do not read my story this does have some sexualization to it and along with that it also has a lot of violence a lot of Gore and does have profanity so if you're okay with all that kind of thing cuz I do use them then please enjoy the story and I'll see you on the next one bye.

I walked into the necromancer's Labyrinth fully prepared to embark on a mission to read every story in here, after walking in I finally figured out where I was going to go from here although I'm not too sure what I'll read first Agora, yes Relko do you have any clue what I need you for, no so tell me, very well tell me how long it will take me to read all these books, someone my calculations say probably about 5,000 years, now that's crazy okay so if I stop time would that work,
I'm pretty sure, okay I'll try that.

I loaded up my spell and said time stop stop in time I was able to Now read to my heart's content so I started reading, my spell would last for a roundabout 170 years and only one day would pass in the real world the whole world is also Frozen yes I can freeze time it's called time manipulation and it's an interesting spell, but that doesn't really matter at the moment since I have some other things I need to do read for one learn the knowledge after all knowledge is power,
But we'll see how that goes as I continue on, 170 years have passed now I'm still reading and then something happens.

I start to spit out blood Agora asked me if I'm okay, I said uhh yeah I'm fine, just brain overload that's all it is, I spit out more blood and realize that this spell is really taxing on the mind, brain overload is quite an extreme thing it can kill you, that doesn't matter at the moment I need to continue reading though, so I freeze time again and read for more eventually I get used to the brain overload and the mental overload as well, it happens for one reason, because when time is Frozen my brain does not have time to catch up as I read I'm containing more information than I can possibly take at once.

Introducing mental and brain overload, other than that though I'm pretty sure I can get this straight up, around about a thousand years have passed and I started learning a ton of spells and learning a lot more than I thought I will read until these books are done no matter how many times I have to freeze time, I think my mp has increased as well, which is a good thing meaning I can freeze time for longer and get this done way quicker, eventually 3,000 years have passed and now I have been come a master of chaos Magic, I found more books those books had a new type of magic called ancient Magic, it's not quite mad at all when you think about it MP is really just the thing everyone in my world has magic power is what it stands for, however I don't know how far it increase since I don't have time to appraise myself I have to continue reading, I eventually finished the last book I will for a while recording around about 5,000 years of learning in one single day if you think about it, the Labyrinth of the necromancers teleport you to a different Realm, that realm has a different type of time movement.

Meaning much more time passes in The Labyrinth then outside, so that means more time reading than not, after I learn all that I finally find that I am now a master of also null magic and a master of all weapons I have learned how to use all weapons efficiently by the way, after knowing that I eventually find another way another way to read even more my magic has now increased a lot more, however it's been 5,000 years already knowing that there's a skill that I found inside of the books called autolearn all I have to do is look at the book fly by my face as the pages go and I automatically learn everything now that's a skill, very useful in my opinion, a few things left I need to figure out for one I want to check that new job I earned after defeating Egan, it said I could become the death Sage, however a surprise was waiting for me, I looked at the system it spoke to me and said you have a new job title well thank you sister I thought the system said you're welcome Relko, the system is alive.

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