a new land for us

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A/N okay same as the last part I'll be using paragraphs from here and when there's questions I'll be using? I'm going to try to make this a legitimate story so I hope you all can enjoy and with all that said hope you enjoy let's begin every 100 words I space out possibly 200 would be a better start so every 200 words will space it out and that should be good enough and if you complain about my writing I'm so sorry but this is the way I want to write the story with all that said now that we got all the haters away let's begin.

After a night of I have no clue cuz I can barely remember I open my eyes to see the Sun and as I did I saw her laying next to me I got up and immediately squealed as I slowly got out of the bed and then look down I realized I had nothing on that's right I was wearing no clothes I almost screamed what the but as I did that I remembered she's sleeping I don't want to wake her up it would be kind of rude but wait then I thought why is she sleeping in my bed there's one right there I done looked the other side of the room and saw her bed completely empty I thought maybe I was seeing things but no the fact is she's laying in my bed sleeping and then pull the covers up just a little to see what she is wearing yeah nope she's not wearing anything either what happened last night I can barely remember the only thing I can remember is we talked a lot and I think I was drunk for most of the night whatever I'll be heading off to a dungeon now.

I went to The Guild as a normally do every day and decided to get some missions done a few dungeon runs as a Summoner this should be really easy when I summon Gladam she had a weird expression on her face what what's wrong I asked her the voice of a woman wrong in my head Master you had fun didn't you without me she said what the I was confused I don't know what you're talking about last night yeah I can't remember oh that's too bad she tells me after that I then asked her well I'm not really too sure I can't really remember what happened last night like I said but would you mind helping me out with this today I then showed her the quest that I grabbed from my room earlier and told her we're going to another Quest a few of them to be exact she looked at me instead of course master then I told her to stop floating sorry she says it's okay don't worry after that we then head into the guild everyone is staring at Gladam not surprising though she's very pretty you can't even tell that she is a girl though with the armor so it's kind of weird.

I walk up to the girl at the desk and ask her hey you have any questions for me sure name please Reko ah yes Mr Reko you were in here with a woman yesterday I'm dragonnewt if I'm not mistaken and now you have a dark Knight with you yes it's an ally I see she says well do you have any questions for me yes three just came in I then take them it says take down an evening troll a Night Stalker and a Wanderer of Dreams what is that she looks at me and says don't know I've never seen one all right I'll take all these down and I'll do it in 3 days if you're sure then very well she hands me the three quests and I head on over to the dungeon the dungeon is massive probably around 500 to 700 rooms at most if not more I'm not really too sure to be honest anyway after entering the dungeon I ran to the left ran to the right ran to the side you get the idea I ran all over the place after that I finally found a room that had some treasure.

Ooh a treasure chest I thought when I walked in the door closed behind me oh you piece of shit I thought find every single Monster that came in it was crazy I don't know how long I was in this dungeon for it took me forever I finally was able to get to another room and fight the boss this boss was just what I was looking for Wanderer of Dreams this creature was The Wanderer of dreams I literally appraised it and that's what I got after it ran at me I then pulled out my sword and began to fight don't know how long this will take but I'm going to beat all these quests while I'm here gaining money and when I'm out of here I'm buying her a beautiful dinner I get the feeling that I think I know what happened the night before however I'm not going to dwell on it if I do it may make me want to do it again I definitely don't want to do that again for quite a while if I'm correct I think we're married now I'm not too sure but I'll figure it out when I get home anyway let's finish this boss.

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