a new ally gained a fate Untold

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I ended up sleeping for around 48 hours I must have been really tired it does make sense though I stayed up for 3 days continuing to fight inside a labyrinth after waking up from my sleep I decided to put my clothes on and run out to find a new Labyrinth however before going there I went to The Guild to grab some things what I had to grab was some extra potions of healing because I've already used my month-long invincibility before so I can't use it again for another 7 months that's okay though because I'm Invincible because of my summons when I got to the guild I was immediately pulled in by Adeline another guild worker similar to adalai either way you look at it two pretty women however Adeline was a little younger than adalai. Adalai was age 17 Adeline was 15 2 years younger Adalai was more of my type but Adeline was definitely cute nonetheless anyway back to where I was talking about she then pulled me into the guild I screamed ahhhhhh what do you want she then sat me down in a chair next to her and said here take this this is something that adalai asked me to give you okay I said it was a dagger a very powerful one nonetheless and no one could use it it was called Black Dagger of the Abyss appraisal of it said only a person worthy of this knife could use it however then I appraise them found only the worthiness of a necromancer can wield this knife so apparently being a necromancer allows me to carry different things
The knife was definitely good powerful nonetheless then out of nowhere a bunch of Adventures came in along with adalai put that down right there she says The Avengers say yes Miss adalai what do you got there I asked they said a weapon no one else could wield I then asked if I could try it they looked at me and began to laugh surely if we can't wield it surely no little kid could wield it and then walk over and grab the weapon out of the box immediately being able to pick it up they then shut their mouths and say should have known he was a Summoners for the hero's party after all I didn't walk back a little and swing it once I swing it unfurls into a scythe oh now this is nice I thought to myself and then walked outside and tested it on a tree then no one else cared about it was in the back of the guild that everyone wanted to cut down for a long time but it's made up a thing called yronwood which is very powerful the minute the safe crossed against the wood it's slashed it to Pieces literally cracking it and literally pushing it to the ground in other words the tree just cracked under the pressure of the scythe and fell to the ground everyone in the Guild's mouth was open I then said one word I'll take it throwing it back up into a little like stick object that could be placed in my boot let me ask one question does this thing grow with you yes when we tried to wield it immediately allowed us but it grew only a little bit to match our height it just shrunk to match your height good then as I grow it should grow with me correct that's right I'll take the weapon how much you want for it they didn't make up a made-up price for this thing like it wasn't just a valuable object that didn't have a price they said 17 gold remember that is not how much I have now however from the fear knight General I got over 30 gold 17 gold was quite a lot however for the stone alone that I just was given to me earlier was around about 30 gold so no I had 60 Gold so really when you think about it 17 gold is not unreasonable however very expensive they didn't think I could afford it of course then when I said I'll take it and hand them 17 gold they try to raise the price making me have to pay even more for this weapon of course you know me I was not going to let that slide come on we were wrong 17 goals too little pay 20 gold that's got to be all he has they were thinking probably in their heads no you asked for 17 I paid you 17 frankly I don't give a damn how much I pay you to be honest this thing is priceless it's perfect for my build and if you want more for it you should have sold it to someone else but I bought it from you for 17 gold that's the exact price you asked for it you want anymore go buy yourself something and then sell it to someone else maybe they'll pay a little more than me should have sold it to a noble they probably would have gave you 60 Gold right off the bat you know how Nobles are Alaska caught in my throat as they grabbed me listen you little brat hand us the weapon back now and you'll leave alive get out of my face before you're dead I said to them I then scream barise they look at me and laugh is that supposed to be a threat who the hell is barise of course they couldn't finish their sentence the hellhound stepped behind them and roared the roar itself was so ear piercing it even hurt mine if the monster could speak he would have said let my master go in a very terrifying demonic voice probably the people then immediately let me down and I told them I would like you to meet barise the hellhound one of my summons now if you don't immediately get out of my face he's going to have a snack on all of you Adalai was standing at the door and I didn't want to scare her so I told barise to be gentle and don't kill them just scare them he looked at me and gave me these looking his eye that said come on Master let me kill them they have no right to do that to you is the look he gave me however he said not a word so what do you say let me have the weapon or should my Beast have a snack they looked at me and said fine 17 gold here you can even have 15 gold back really so I just got it for two gold not bad to say the least hey that's robbery. Hey if the shoe fits boys you better wear it otherwise you might lose it is what I tell them walking back to adalai I asked her did you enjoy the show she looks at me and goes you're terrifying that literally makes my heart hurt you really know how to hurt a guy I say she looks at me and smiles well you're not that hard to hurt you know yeah I know I'm just a kid I already knew that but I have to say threaten them with a hellhound sounds kind of cool boom score I got her of course it didn't work again remember she's way older than me and probably wants older men not young ones so that hurts also although Adeline on the other hand is definitely just a bit younger around 15 like I said and remember I made 12 so three years apart from her honestly might not be a bad matchup for me however I doubt you want me either because she already has a boyfriend why do all the pretty already have boyfriends I was left with nothing left but to say whatever and move on with my life barise went back into his summoning Circle and disappeared after that I left the guild and went back to the Labyrinth I spent three days in without any sleep when I got there I immediately said okay Gladam time to go to work I summoned in my Dark Knight gladam who also had a skill called invincibility remember the skill Invincible gives all my summons that I put it on invincibility and if I do the the loophole correctly they're Invincible forever gladam and Cynthia my two Knights are the are my most used summons and my favorite to say the least the amount of skills they have alone already outweighs the point that there are literally Invincible to everything sister than my most used they're the most evolved ones too Cynthia is a great Holy Knight gladam is a dark abyss Knight a more powerful version of The Dark Knight most of my summons are evolved into their full species into their full reality however Slither is still a skeletal serpent it takes forever to get him up to a higher level speaking of levels I have some things to say my level is only 150 I'm on the level of an A-Class adventurer however here are my summons my most powerful level of thousand The Demon King that I have he is level 1000 and would be my strongest however I did not give him the skill invincible so he can be hurt however it takes forever my serpent is also a high level but only 120 that's why Slither must not be that strong however my two Knights gladam and Cynthia are both level 300 however there is one difference gladam is level 305 Cynthia is level 300 my wolf and bear are both around 260 to 270 the Scorpion is one of my higher ones but I haven't really done anything with him he is a rock scorpion that is very powerful he is level 400 but again I barely do anything with him since he's impossible to control and now here we go barise the hellhound is level 250 and last but not least my second most powerful but I haven't used much is the demon Idrois is level 760 however even though he's my most powerful he is not my most used you're probably thinking oh big deal you use the girls more often than anything else yes my two sister Knights are very powerful enough because they're women either they have more skills more power and they both have the Invincible skill which basically means they're impossible to kill not even my demon king could go against both of them and win first of all having Cynthia out at the same time as gladam gives gladam a boost along with me and a shield around me that forever protects me as long as the monsters aren't too high in other words if I wanted to I could take a nap in this Labyrinth and not be hurt at all no I'm not even joking this is a beginner's Labyrinth I was told to come in here and fight monsters the boss is a b rack so if I take it down at my rank E I should get up to around and a rank right yeah no I'll probably be a b rank if I beat the boss it's not a little lower around about C rank the highest rank is ocean King the one before that is Seaking these are ranks that were made up a long time ago but yet they're still pretty cool sounding in my opinion if you want me to initialize these ranks for you it would be Sk and Ok standing for rank Seaking and Ocean king I initialized it for you you're welcome to anyone who's reading this anyway if you're wondering how those ranks even happened in the first place allow me to explain someone took down a powerful monster long ago when they were S rank and they gained the skill ocean King so they brought in the rank of ocean King and then if someone also eventually defeated a monster literally known as the Sea King so right before ocean King was put in since that monster was just a little lower than the ocean King if you're wondering what the ocean King even looks like allow me to explain it is a giant monster known as the Kraken yeah that was pretty easy the Sea King on the other hand is a giant serpent like monster believe it or not I have literally one of them of my own Slither is a giant serpent however he's not a sea serpent he is a sea snake you could say he was out right now he and I said that to him he would literally bite me he does not like being called in Ocean snake he likes being called the Great Serpent of the west or something like that it's a crazy little name he likes however I told him your name is slither and you'll deal with it anyway back to the battle gladam and Cynthia out together is an Unstoppable Duo but the constant Buffs coming from Cynthia to gladam and also to me I and gladam are unstoppable seriously if I went against my most powerful summon with these two with me I would win technically that's actually how I beat him yeah believe it or not these two help me defeat him and believe me he won't let me live it down till the day I die I can hear him in my head constantly you had two women help you destroy me is basically what he's saying every single second of every single day I try to ignore him by hearing the nice voices of gladam and Cynthia who can only speak with me no one else and also gives me joy to know I have such powerful summons yet they're also so nice and sweet to me at the same time I mean seriously if you want to know what they're exactly saying allow me to tell you gladam I serious but also sweet type voice female of course saying you're the greatest master I hear Cynthia here's exactly what she says to me don't beat yourself up it doesn't matter what the hero thought of you you're great is what she tells me they both know that I beat myself up every day because I couldn't live in the hero's party they kicked me out because I was useless and they tell me I'm not which is how sweet is that however here's the Demon King they were right you are useless I just want to punch him in his nose kind of hard though when he's completely made of a bis flames and everything else and also impossible since the fact I can't even touch my summons however I can put a finger on Cynthia for a boost I can do nothing else if I try to Pat them on the back my hand will go right through if I try to punch the Demon King it will go right through him and he'll laugh at me you really thought that would work he would say to me personally I just want you to shut up I tell him if only I could but the amount of times I want to hate you forever Master he says mockingly whatever and then he shuts up for a while anyway back to what I was doing we just reached the boss room as I was thinking back to my past the two girls in front of me said are you ready master by the way same to you kind of has a child like voice it's still adorable nonetheless and female if you didn't know already they both are girls got it I'm pretty sure the names alone gave that away anyway the boss was going to be difficult this creature was called well he go he's called The Fear Lord he is the Lord of all the fear Knights his armor looks pretty sweet too I kind of want it it's all black perfect for my style and it also shrinks I'm pretty sure so hopefully after I kill him I get his armor I'll be sure to definitely not sell that to the guild they ain't getting his armor I'm keeping it all right well here we go this boss was interesting I grab out the fear Knight's sword and engage the fear King in battle with gladam and Cynthia at my side and of course I take advantage in summing in another one Barise he then went up against the fear King barise was able to take him down and by that I mean stun him in place for a few minutes ask that gladam took him down also stunning him in place after that Cynthia buffed all three of us I went for the final strike since I'm not going to let my summons do everything I grabbed out my sword and slashed at the fear King after taking him down I fell to the ground on one knee and stood back up given a thumbs up to both my girls and barise good job you three I say I hear the hell hound then say thank you master and the two girls are cheering of course gladam is just trying to act strong saying we did it in a melatonin voice however in reality she actually is hearing her little heart out I imagine in her head she's going wild I then walk up to her and Pat her on her shoulder since I can touch the armor just not her good job gladam I tell her also patent Cynthia on the shoulder since again the armor piece is not going to let my hand go through and I give a pet to barise you three did awesome I tell them that and they cheer thank you master all three say then they go back to their summoning circles and I walk out with the items from the boss the fear King boss one of Labyrinth 7 taken down of course there's still six bosses left and I'm not going to fight them today Many Adventures have already defeated him however I defeated him with no help except for my Summons of course to believe it or not even though my summons are powerful I am weak but his armor is pretty cool looking so I'm definitely taking it I pick up the armor and weapons and leave the Labyrinth as I look at two adventurers as I walk out they look at me and go how'd you do couldn't defeat a single Knight could you nope I defeated the fear King see you all around they looked at me and screamed what I was laughing in my head walking back to the guild I am prepared to take the skull and stone of the boss out of my inventory pocket dimension no one knew I had a pocket Dimension skill anyway as I pulled them out everyone looked at me like I was crazy hey I asked adalai at the desk oh Relko how you do fine I tell her then I throw on the what is this appraiser and find out I say smugly as she appraises it she realizes what I did and looks at me and goes well you were part of the hero's party so I'm not surprised scream it tell everyone in the guild what I did all right if you want me to go ahead I said with sarcasm Adalai then screams Relko just took down the B rank monster known as the fear King okay what's that so why is that amazing people take down that boss everyday so tell me what's so great about him I then smiled maliciously go ahead tell them she then swallows the breath she was holding and says Relko an E rank he took down the fear King which is a B rank I've been here the guild erupt with cheers and also how the hell did he do that kind of thing are you kidding me is what I hear from the corner of the room and Adventure that is also C rank then yells there's no damn way this rank E defeated the fear King and is only an e rank I'm a C Rank and I haven't even defeated him yet well that just goes to show what you been doing with your time I tell him I went there and defeated him and here's the proof the I've been here the Guild Master go what's all the commotion out here by the way just to let you know if you thought it was a male yeah no The Guild masters of female and she's a powerful magician oh Guild Master ilena oh it's just Relko defeated the fear King okay what's so special about that Adventures beat that every day he's an E rank she tried to speak but the breath she was or what she was about to say got stuck in her throat okay well then she kept trying to think of a word however it could not come out we just got to make him a higher rank that's all oh really be quiet boy you didn't tell me how old he was he's 12 ma'am you're telling me a boy that's 12 years old took down the fear King not just any boy Relko the Summoner the Summoner Oh you mean the Summoner who's in the heroes party was in the heroes party adalai tells her oh okay then hey Relko yes Miss I ask her how would you feel about being a C rank that would be awesome I could go to higher floors in the dungeon fine your C rank Adeline do the paperwork yes ma'am she says come back tomorrow wait I have one other thing to prove I actually defeated the fear King all right hand it over I then pull out the skull of the Beast and the armor to ask if I could keep the sword and armor so what are you giving us this I then put the Giants skull on the floor yep he definitely defeated the fear king that's the skull the whole Guild erupts in cheers and also disappointment going how the hell did he do that I then pull off the armor and sword and asking if I can keep it well you killed it didn't you yes then you may keep the armor and sword The Guild Master sells me ilena then spoke again go ahead you may keep the armor come back tomorrow and your rank will be up again awesome I say I think go back home and start to sleep the next day I become a C rank after that it's all hunky dory for quite a while until time skip the kingdom the king found out I was a necromanc and since the king and Kingdom serve the the Church of Life they frown upon necromancers so it's impossible for me to live here anymore I will be hunted down and killed I then leave 2 years later I find myself walking in a desert a cloak and my armor from the fear King underneath my sword is in a sheath on my back I am now 14 as I walk in the desert I then hear swords or something clashing with skin or shell I run over and hide behind a rock like tree in other words the tree was as big as a boulder I hide behind it and see a girl fighting off a turtle steel claws meet with the shell of the turtle slashing at it a bunch I see she's having trouble I then think why don't I deal with it I snapped my fingers summoning in Slither Slither devour it I say once I do that she then notices it and jumps out of the way the turtle was then devoured by Slither as he slithered back into his summoning Circle and disappeared a voice appears one that only a woman could produce oh hello there she says to me hey I saw you were having trouble I helped you out she then puts her hands behind her back and acts all nice saying so what's your name Relko you ethereala nice to meet you I tell her and it's nice to meet you too so sorry to ask this but what are you I ask her you know it's not nice to a woman her weight or age let alone her race sorry I just don't know what you are all right let me ask you this what are you human human with white hair she asked me yeah I'm human at least I think I am okay now you I ask her dragonnewt okay so may I ask you something she asked me sure what is it can I join you well okay I'll join you in a party she says that sounds fun I say to her I only have a few conditions oh great I thought what conditions are these going to be one you cannot keep a single secret from me your class or anything like that two never betray me okay that's under control and three one day when you're old enough marry me okay we're going a little off track here how about we go to what our class is okay you first I'm a martial artist she says I didn't tell her the truth I'm a necromancer well Necromancer I thought you were a Summoner I knew she was shocked and then I realized she wouldn't want to join a party with me so I begin to walk away yep I know this was going to happen what do you mean I don't think we're going to work out I'm a necromancer your martial artist and I know you found up on it see you I was really hoping it would work but I'm going to have to go now wait wait wait she then grabs my arm what I'm a necromancer I know you don't want to team up with me I never said I wouldn't those three conditions mean something of course but I know you don't want to team up with the Necromancer I didn't say I wouldn't she tells me my fear went right out the window as she said those words okay so you do want to team up with me yes of course and you be perfect your long range yeah I guess you're right then she says a word that makes me blush okay darling okay we might be a little too early for that you don't even know my age I'm guessing you're mine right yeah I look a lot older than I actually am all right how old are you 14 what she says all right you asking a woman her age is kind of rude you sorry fine 17 okay you're only 3 years older than me yeah I suppose this will work then wanted yeah you're right after that we went back to town of course I told her to call me something else call me reko okay what do you want to call me how about Renee okay Reko I'm Renee and in private you call me my my name and I'll call you by yours so I'm good perfect no should we get a cloak and stuff for you since we're going to be heading through towns a lot sounds good I then pull a cloak out of my pocket Dimension a gray one oh nice you have inventory no it's pocket dimension oh wow she tells me she's Amazed by my power after that we went back to town and set up an inn two separate rooms please she then says no wait what do you mean no I ask her we'll take one room please are you sure yes she puts her hand on my mouth and shuts me up when I get to the room with her I ask her why did you do that she says because it's a waste of money for two rooms besides I trust you you're not going to do anything right how do you know though you never trust anyone I tell her even a person that is nice and besides you just met me you have no clue who who I actually am or what I'm actually like I trust you enough that trust is one day going to get you killed I tell her look I already know that but you're the first person who's ever been nice to me wait what yeah my whole clan was mean to me they disowned me as their own member all because I'm a martial artist being half dragon makes it where I should have been a magician who could shoot fire they frown upon me I see and then I was betrayed by my best friend and she says that I was like never mind sorry I asked you betrayed by my own best friend so we're in the same boat huh yeah at least we got separate beds you don't want to sleep in the same bed with me she says sarcastically however I knew she kind of wanted me to for some reason listen I'm 14 you're one year away from being an adult I know in other words I'm young I don't think I should be sleeping in the same bed let alone the same room with you well that kind of sucks she says yeah I suppose so after that at least separate beds means I wouldn't have such a hard time getting to sleep the next morning I woke up to a surprise.

DKK hope you all enjoyed this part and it was honestly a lot of fun for me to write however this took a lot longer for me to imagine everything up again so hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you enjoyed the part where I added a new character and her name is ethereala I thought that was a good name anyway if you guys enjoyed then wait up for the next part cuz that's coming up right now that will probably be about 4,000 words and I'll have to come up with ideas for that but be sure we're going to be adding gladam and Cynthia into it and I guess we'll get to see ethereala,s perspective and what she thinks of the two lady Knights I guess we'll see soon enough anyway if you enjoyed then you know what to do give me a follow which is basically subscribing give me a vote which is basically alike and also put the book into your library so you can read it constantly I'll be updating daily if possible if not though I hope you enjoyed it and well that's going to be it see you on the next one bye-bye DKK out

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