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A/N okay just a notice real quick this is not the first part this is a prologue I'll be explaining everything about our character real quick and that is it so this will be very short probably around about 500 Words so he go.

MC name Relko no yes I realize this may be kind of a girl's name but this is the name he gets yes it is a boy anyway let's continue.

Race humen or so I think I'm not sure.

Gender mail

Job and title title King of the undead job necromancer what he uses the fool people is Summoner

Age when you see him his age is around about six he's a young boy when we see him again which is a Time skip he's in a place called utlockrow Village he is age 9 he joins the hero's party and spends 3 years with them by age 12 he's kicked from the party for mysterious reasons that will be explained in the story when you see him again he will be age 14 2 years later where he'll meet a woman that you'll find the name of later in the story anyway this is the prologue so let's continue his powers are necromancy he has special skills and unique skills that make him powerful although he's not the most powerful in the story or who will be the most strongest in the story he still is very strong nonetheless this is our protagonist now I will be going into more details of him very soon for the fact that one reason this is a prologue I am just giving you a simple little chance to understand the story now let's begin the true story.

One more thing the way he looks it's fairly simple our protagonist when he's young wears a blue shirt and blue pants his hair is black when you see him again after he gets his powers his hair turns from black to white he wears all black and a cloak took hide his face on the Hops of when he joins the party of the hero he's wearing a red and black coat along with a cloak and a hood over his head he is calling himself Reiko the summon and his hair is still White when we see him again he's Dawning something completely different a gray trench coat with a hood that is also gray with a weapon that looks interesting to say the least he's now an adventurer and the logo of the adventurers Guild is now on his wrist and his card says he's a Summoner however no one really knows the truth he's actually a necromancer but if the world knows that well they will try to kill him.

Now we begin our story.

The world began with two creators one of life and one of death the story is vast and only the church knows the truth in true reality I find the truth Within Myself of course being the fact that these two creators thought it would be funny to make our lives into something of a joke we continuously come back to life no matter how many times we die everyone in the world basically you could say it respond is what I come to call it since that's what monsters in this world also do they respond and we do as well honestly it's interesting however to say the least I honestly do not like it continuously dying and coming back to life honestly makes me sick of it but to my story my name is Relko

I am age 16 as I have put this down I have done many things and you will learn of that as I write this this is my story there is a woman in the story as well and she may or may not become my lover one day I was betrayed by the whole world for one reason the creators thought it would be funny to make me a creature known as a necromancer something the church despises I have memories of something I'm not quite sure what it is I don't know if it was a past life or something entirely different but the memories stick with me through my entire life one day I hope to find out the truth anyway into my story we go the world story was there were two creators one of life and one of death right wrong there was one other the absolute he was hidden amongst a bunch of things or she I don't discriminate against that two creators that's hogwash there's three there was three creators to be exact the absolute one of life and one of death that is the truth I found this truth very much appealing to my eyes finding that I am actually one of death I'm a necromancer of this world a powerful person who can summon Undead monsters from the ground and make them my servants however I don't see it that way Reviving a monster as in my type of necromancy makes them revive as brand new in other words I'm a revivaler not a necromancer but that is what my class and title is my title at this moment in time is the Undead King recently I was known as King of the undead made no sense the undead King makes more sense at least in my opinion it does anyway as you will find out in the story I'm very much a normal person I just think I may or may not be a reincarnation don't know how to be honest I hope to one day figure that out as this ends and I am gone from this world I hope to anyone who finds this that I will be never forgotten a narrator we now go to a man reading this wow this is really interesting random guy says I wonder how he lived all those years ago was he actually that powerful. yes an old man says no way tell me how powerful was he exactly oh he was very powerful the old man says in fact I think I might have knew him personally then a woman's voice TAPS in saying come on guys let's go okay okay then she says one word that makes the man shudder a little come Grandpa yes yes my dear I'm coming the old man says the young one takes the paper with him and reads it as they go along the trail back to their home when they get home all three sit down for a lunch as I sit there and eat lunch the girl asks what do you got there oh the paper I grabbed from that tomb Oh you mean the story of The Necromancer she says. I then say yes yeah how'd you know I ask her just a hunch she says it's a good story is it not yeah so your grandpa said he might know the actual story oh yes my boy I do know the story Yes dear she says to me believe it or not this woman is actually my wife and we've lived together for about 5 years now this is Alina I'm Alan and the grandpa his name is Leo we call him Grandpa Leo he's an old man around about 270 I am around about 65 and my wife is exactly 60 I am 5 years older than her just as the Necromancer explained in his story people could not die back in the day however they now can die but however their life expectancy is way more than any other person and we as the future people that is 10,000 years in the future from him live to around 560 we start the age around 200 so Grandpa Leo here is kind of old to be honest he still has 300 years left though he knows many stories he's one of the oldest people I know and the wisest as well he's also my wife's actual Grandpa oh you thought he was mine no he's not Leo Grandpa Leo is her Grandpa my parents and family died a long time ago for one reason they died in a fire yes it sad and I still cry about it here and there but it's okay after he told us the story of this Necromancer we asked him if he actually knows anymore The Story Goes as he tells us that there once was a boy who lived in a village the village of utlockrow the boy's name was Relko he was a necromancer however the world did not know this they called him Relko the summon he was part of a thing called the heroes party at the time they were going against the creature called The Demon Lord as Grandpa Leo tells us this I wonder how was that back in the day of his time what did he do how did he survive and then I hear my wife ask is he a man from this world oh no he is what you call a reincarnation he is not from this world although he believed it for a very long time and if you read the scroll more and more you'll learn his story this is the story of Relko a powerful man a necromancer hated by the world he was betrayed by everyone.

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