19. by your side

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might wanna grab ur fav plushie and a warm drink for this one stinkies ... 🫶

ice-cold water pooled inside your mouth and trickled down your throat like a clear spring. the internal fire scalding your stomach was put out by the icy water, and the ditzy splotches of pink on your cheeks washed away with each gulp.

nagi stood with his back against the rounded table you and reo had previously sat at, tapping mindlessly at his phone, but occasionally slipping glances at you as you silently sipped on your water.

you couldn't bring yourself to even spare the white-haired boy a glance. to be honest, you had no idea what you were feeling right now.

at first glance, anybody would think that nagi was a cool-headed, rational person. his organised and well-thought-out football plays reflect this perfectly.

his mind, however, does not. nagi is a person - you've come to realise - with little-to-no train of thought. he acts purely on instinct, and does things without hesitation or fear.

like kissing you. in the middle of an arcade. for seemingly no reason at all.

by no means is nagi seishiro an idiot. you knew that. you knew that whether he was aware of it or not, there was always a motive behind his actions, for there doesn't exist a person without desires.

and nagi's desire, in that moment, was to kiss you. it was to feel you. it was to give you all of him, and to take all of you. it was to love you.

for there is no one with more desires than a selfish person.

and nagi seishiro was selfish.

you realised this fact, because you were too. you were a horrible, selfish person. you were selfish, because you couldn't return the full extent of nagi's love, and you didn't know why.

gulping the last of your water down, you finally gained the mental strength to look up at the white-haired boy, who's grey eyes met yours almost instantaneously. "ready to go back yet?" that same bored-tone emanated from the boy, and you felt almost relieved that nagi seemed to be back to his regular self.

sending him a small smile and nod, you took mr. hassle-man out of the chokehold nagi had held him in; you threw him over your shoulders and headed toward the bowling area, where everyone was supposedly meeting for the final hour of your day-out. the taller boy followed closely by your side.

nagi seishiro was selfish. a horrible, selfish person. he kissed you because he genuinely felt a sickening need to. he didn't think that his desire was selfish, but his motive definitely was. he wanted to kiss you, but he wouldn't have done it so soon.

not if there hadn't have been a pair of sapphire-eyes glaring at him from across the room.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

"n/n!! i missed you so much!" an eccentric voice rung out from near the bowling lanes you and nagi were approaching. a pair of arms slung around you, the warmth of bachira enveloping you in a three-way hug between you, him, and the fluffy bunny.

"i missed you too, megu - though it's only been about 2 hours", you laughed into his ear softly, the bee-haired boy pulling away to pout at you. "yeah, but it felt like forever! what were you doing the whole time you were gone?!"

you realised that you had blushed a lot today. the feeling of nagi's hand resting atop your head didn't help much, either. "we played some games together", the white-haired boy stated, monotonous as ever.

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