16. in ya dreams.

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trying to navigate an arcade with three teenage boys with an average mean height of 6" clinging on to you is definitely not easy. you could say that confidently, because you would know.

currently, nagi was resting his chin on your shoulder (how he walked like that? nobody knows), karasu was resting his elbow on your other shoulder whilst kicking nagi's legs (occasionally catching yours in the cross-fire), and otoya was behind you making you, him, and mr. hassle-man hold hands. this meant that every time you slowed down or stopped to let another person pass, all three boys would collide into you and create a tangled mess of limbs.

"get yer stinkin' elbow outta my face, mr. hassle-man!"

"hm? me or the bunny?"


patience wearing thinner by the second, you had the mind to drag all three idiots down to the ground with you. they'd surely fall with you, considering how tightly they were clung on to you. before you could commit to your plan, an accented voice rung out from the race-cart machines to the left of your group.

"oh, hey guys", hiori's head stuck out from behind the rear of the sports-car-like seat. you untangled yourself from the three boys and skipped towards the teal-haired boy with a grin, a soft smile drawn on his own lips. this soon turned to an 'O' shape after he witnessed nagi and karasu begin to throw down with each other behind you, with otoya pumping a .. rabbits arm? .. in the air whilst chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT!"

ignoring the commotion behind you whilst leaning on the chair's headrest, you beamed down at the boy, who had his head craned upwards against the back of the chair to look up at you. as you assessed the screen of the game, hiori noted your confused look as you spoke, "huh? these are single-player games now? i thought they were multi-player?"

"mhm, they are!" the chirpy voice from the seat next to hiori's startled you as you leaned further over the headrest of the teal-haired boy's chair to get a better look.

holding up a peace sign, kurona gazed up at you, eyes expanding slightly as your face came into his sight-lines. "ranze! i didn't see you there!" you giggled, walking to the space between the two chairs.

"hi, y/n. you look super pretty, super pretty!" the pink-haired boy gazed up at you in a cat-like manner, the lone braid on the side of his hair swaying in front of his eye. oh em gee - he was adorable!

"thank you, ranze! your hair is super cute, you should let me braid it for you some time!" you smiled sweetly in response to his prior words, with kurona sending you an enthusiastic nod whilst a pink tinge made its way upon his cheeks.

brows suddenly straightening in thought, you scanned between hiori and kurona, both pairs of eyes trained on you as you seemed to scan the surrounding area for one more person.

as if reading your very thoughts, kurona leaned back in his seat, pointing a thumb to the seat beside him. peering over the head of pink hair, your eyes fell upon the form of nanase, who was sitting patiently with a warm smile on his face.

"there you are, nanase! hihi!" leaning over kurona, you held a half-heart shape out to the ravenette, who eagerly returned it. "hey, y/n! it's great to meet you!" nanase's aura radiated such kindness that any sense of stress about you had completely dissipated. returning his warm smile, you felt completely eased, which almost helped you to forget about the isagi-situation. maybe you should just stick with these three for the rest of the day.

standing up-right again, you turned to face hiori, who's head remained tilted up at you.

"so," you grinned wickedly, eyelids casting a demonic shadow over your irises, "you feelin' lucky today?" you leaned down to get all up in his face, "or are you just gonna let me kick your ass as usual?" during all your gaming sessions with hiori, not once had he managed to beat you in a 1v1. he had sworn to you that he'd win at least one game against you at the arcade.

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