17. wanna swap?

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after ordering every snack the bar had to offer, along with 2 slushies, you swiped reo's card against the reader

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after ordering every snack the bar had to offer, along with 2 slushies, you swiped reo's card against the reader. for whatever reason, he had brought a black-card with him, and you couldn't help but stare at the card whilst tracing its gold accents. you should really steal it as payback for the bitch-slap you received thanks to him.

grabbing the slushies that the cashier passed to you, you debated how you were going to carry the monstrous amount of snacks you had purchased. though, your worries were quickly calmed when two hands reached from either side of you, picking up the popcorn, jellies and whatnot. peering up, you caught a glimpse of purple eyes trained on you as you muttered a soft 'thanks' at reo, who only turned away to set the food down on one of the tables.

following suit, you hopped on to the stool beside the circular table, with reo sitting on the other side. you took a sip of your slush, glancing at the boy opposite you, who had his chin rested on his palm. "any good?"

swallowing the cooling-ice, your eyes lit up at reo's question, "yeah, super good actually. did they lace this with coke or something?" reo's brow raised in .. concern? .. at your statement, but even more so when you slid the other slushie over to him. "you should try! you did pay, after all."

eyeing the plastic cup filled with artificial flavourings for a moment longer, he slid it back towards you, earning him a faux pout. leaning closer towards him, you tilted your head before speaking in a mocking tone, "what? is this measly peasant beverage not to your tastes, mr. mikage? would you like me to fetch you a glass of sparkling water instead?"

reo's lip scrunched at your teasing as he grabbed the slush and slurped on it with a scowl. you giggled at the sight, reaching into one of the many tubs of popcorn and throwing a piece into your mouth, "wow, so you really are spoiled, huh?"

the purple-haired boy placed the red slush down, narrowing his gaze at you, "i'm not spoiled. i just don't have a big sweet-tooth - unlike you, apparently." placing a hand over your chest in mock-offence, you spoke in a wounded-tone, "wow, reo, you'd go so low as to call me fat?"

"yeah." he took another slurp of his drink.

sending him a deadpan look, you caught the smirk that grew on his lips around his straw, which drew your attention to the drink in his hands. "hey, let me have some of yours. cherry's my favourite flavour."

"ew fuck no, i don't know where your mouth's been", he sneered in disgust, holding his slush closer to his chest. "c'mon please! and my mouth has been no where, thank you very much." raising his brow as if to doubt you, he held your intense gaze, large pleading eyes boring into his own.

"fine. just stop looking at me like that, it's weird", he slid the drink over to you, your lips stretching into a wide smile. "thanks! here, try mine! this flavour's not as sweet as the cherry one is." you held the straw up to his lips, the boy hesitating for a moment, before taking a sip of your drink.

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