12. prettiest thing i've ever seen.

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slinging your bag over your shoulder, you fiddled with the keys to your front door, trying to juggle about 10 items in your hands. the train station wasn't too far away, so you could make it in time to catch the train that bachira was already on if you power walked. after all, you didn't have the most faith in bachira when it came to solo-travelling, so you'd prefer to accompany him on the trip there, lest he end up lost in the centre of shibuya. the thought was enough to send shivers down your spine as you stepped out the door.

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by time you reached the train station, you had to run as fast as your legs allowed, making a beeline for the departing train. jumping through the train doors, you gripped a dangling handle in hopes of catching your breath. this was to no avail though, as a certain lemon-haired boy quickly pounced onto you, arms slung around your shoulders and face snuggled into your neck, pulling you down with his freakish strength. how the hell is he so strong?

"N/NNNIIIIEEEE!!!" he squealed out, his head popping up to grin wonderfully at you. his eyes sparkled with such a child-like glee that it made your heart feel so full, like his energy was the most contagious thing in the world.

"hey megu, it's great to meet you too", you giggled, a soft smile greeting his wide one. once he had finally unlatched himself from you, you finally got a glimpse of his outfit: a plain white shirt tucked underneath denim overalls, and a yellow dolphin pin clipped into a knitted cardigan. it was so adorable that you had to stifle a squeal against the back of your hand.

bachira quickly took your wrist and guided you to where he had been sitting, evident by the mess scattered over the table that sat in front of the seats. as you tidied the chaotic remnants of presumably bachira's boredom, he ranted on about all the different rides, food, and games he wanted to try during the upcoming day. you found yourself gleaming at his enthusiasm as he looked at you with starry eyes - you were just as excited for today as he was.

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walking through the gates to the theme park was nothing short of magical. the multitude of flashing lights seemed like they could light an entire city, and the smell of fresh donuts and chaotic bubbles of laughter flooded your senses in the best way possible. the sound of bachira's giggles were the most enchanting though, and you simply allowed him to drag you through the crowds of people as he flailed in excitement.

"n/n! look at that rollercoaster! oooh! and the arcade - look at all the games!" he held your grip as he spun around frantically, pointing out all the things he wanted to do with you today, and you had to twist yourself in weird ways to keep up with his movements. usually, you'd get annoyed at being pulled and dragged left and right, but you only felt your heart swarm at his sheer happiness, and you wished to let him indulge in it for as long as he wanted.

"okay, bachi, i know. let's try one thing at a time though, yeah?" you snickered, squeezing the hand that hadn't left yours since you arrived. he finally met your eyes with his glimmering ones, nodding erratically with a huge grin spread across his face. "okay! wanna try that one first?" he gestured toward the sky-high roller coaster that had loops and dips all along the track - you could hear the screams of exhilaration from the cart that was currently doing a loop-the-loop, and couldn't help but sweat drop at the sight.

"uhh, how about the waltzers..?" you nervously met his eyes, slightly taken aback by his more serious and softer expression. his lips stuck out in a pout, head tilting to the side as he spoke: "y/n ... are you scared?"

you flushed pink at his question, waving your free hand around in defence, "n-no! it's just-" you paused, finding yourself unable to lie to the curious eyes staring into yours.

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