Vol 4/ Chapter 112 - The Fight for the Phoenix Egg

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"Those blue wings were too eye-catching! Now it is not needed anyway."

I rolled my eyes at her. Isn't it obvious? On our way, so many Church believers kept staring and pointing at my blue wings. Had to keep them hidden to stay low-profile?

"Then what color will they be if you show them again? Still blue?"

Cyra kept probing curiously, really stumping me this time. Truth be told, I've never tried that before. Once the wings disappear, the water element shielding around me also dissipates. Now my situation is just like any regular angel with wings retracted - no difference at all.

"About that..."

Just as I was about to manifest my wings again, the sudden commotion from the crowd interrupted me. The phoenix flames burning on that pyre suddenly "WOOSH!"

Flared up many times bigger, the intense blaze shooting up high into the air, lighting up the dark sky in a crimson red glow. Quite a few of the more timid Church believers hurriedly shielded their eyes and backed away in fright.

"It's coming ah, it's coming! My first time seeing this rare phenomenon live too, don't miss it, people!"

Like a carnival barker, Judith shouted excitedly, repeatedly reminding us to pay attention.

Following her voice, a loud phoenix cry then rang out from the pyre. That massive fireball actually levitated up, and as the brilliance gradually dimmed, the silhouette of a bird slowly emerged.

"So this is how the phoenix is reborn from the flames! Almost exactly like the legends!"

Looking up at the spectacle in the sky, Adrian couldn't help but feel amazed. Phoenix sightings are already so rare, witnessing a phoenix's rebirth is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event. Everyone present was staring wide-eyed, not wanting to miss this historic moment.

In theory, the phoenix can use this method to revive itself from the flames countless times. However, given their formidable power, they rarely face life-or-death crises, so the process remains shrouded in mystery.

"So beautiful, just like magical fireworks!"

The one speaking was actually Vivianne. She had stayed in the tent earlier, but coming out with Brennan when the commotion drew their curiosity. As the phoenix's wings danced, a myriad of sparks rained down, dyeing the night sky in a dreamy, mesmerizing vista that drew cheers from the crowd.

Of course, this wasn't my first time seeing a phoenix taking flight, having witnessed similar scenes before. Plus this was just a regular female phoenix of average beauty. The crucial difference was that with all crises resolved, I could enjoy the view without any mental burdens this time around.

Alas, the splendor didn't last. As time passed, the phoenix circled overhead, shedding more and more sparks that eventually set one of the True Church's tents ablaze, triggering pandemonium as people rushed to put out the fire.

"Why won't it just leave already?"

After a while, Mike couldn't help but frown and voice his confusion, seeing the phoenix's stubborn refusal to depart. This couldn't go on - the blaze would only grow more uncontrollable.

"Do I have to beat it up before it returns to its nest?"

"When we arrived, those two phoenixes had already been nesting at the cave entrance for a long time. Maybe it has something to do with their eggs?"

Adrian pondered and guessed the reason. This female phoenix had been disciplined by Cysper and me before, learning our group wasn't to be trifled with. But its obsession ran deep - having its entire clutch of eggs stolen, it wasn't backing down so easily. Hence it hovered, unwilling to leave yet not daring to attack either.

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