Chapter Ten

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Te'elis was quiet as Dez flew them back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. "So, how was it?" He probed once they cleared the atmosphere. "You're quiet, even for you." Rubbing her temples, it was clear to Dez she hadn't slept the night before.

"I have a lot on my mind," Te'elis replied as she let her eyes adjust to the darkness of space.

Dez knew when not to push something with his friend. "Well, it's a long trip ahead."

"I'll go and teach Ziirah some meditation techniques while we are in hyperspace," Te'elis replied as she stood.

"I'll buzz you when I'm ready," Dez remarked over his shoulder as he guided the ship to their disembarkation point.

Taking one last look at the planet from space, she recalled the memory she had seen. Had her family hoped to return to Mizra? "Thanks, Dez."


14 Years Earlier

Sitting on the floor of a Jedi Longbeam, Master Ori guided her padawan in meditation. "Wh'ltri is taught to many Miziri from a very young age," she said as she held Te'elis' hands. "Here in hyperspace, we have a deeper connection with the Cosmic Force, and so you will learn Pacification of Emotion Meditation, which will help you in stressful situations and may save your life."

Te'elis didn't understand how it could save her life, but she tried to follow her master's detailed instructions. Sitting with legs crossed and palms facing up, she took deep breaths. The swirling cerulean of hyperspace was calming, and she opened her mind to Master Ori's words.

"It is not to make you emotionless, as compassion is a Jedi's most important power source. Instead, this technique lets you control the feelings and entropy emotions can create and helps clarify rational thought." Pausing briefly, Ori opened her eyes to see how her padawan was doing. Then, closing her eyes, she continued. "Do not try to suppress or hide an emotion. We must come to terms with them and thus overcome them. It is the way of thought controlling emotions rather than emotions controlling thought. It should set one free for rational, calm thought, peace of mind and peace within oneself. To recognise and see the truth of a situation, to accept it and deal with it rationally. To enable self-control in the face of any event. The method is not an instantaneous solution to all emotional problems. It will take time, it will not be easy, and often one will fail. Try and try again – you will succeed."

Opening one eye, Te'elis sighed. "Master, when are we going to do something more exciting? We learned this meditation as younglings."


Present Time

Sitting with Ziirah, Te'elis watched as her padawan listened to her every word, sitting still and waiting to learn, but there was a questioning look on her face. "Concentration is like a kyber crystal, an intense focusing of the energy, intelligence, and sensitivity," she said as she guided Ziirah's hands to be crossed by pointing outward.

"Breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath at first. Breathing should slow down and become abdominal. Let other thoughts slip away; if external thoughts enter, do not suppress them; let them flow away, arising and disappearing. Do not concentrate on these thoughts. Do not indulge in these thoughts or suppress them. Observe them, watch them without emotions and evaluation." As Te'elis taught, she opened her mind. The plan was to refuel at Paucris Major on returning to Coruscant. However, there was a thought tugging at Te'elis.

"Master!" Ziirah's voice brought Te'elis back to the present. Opening her eyes, she saw her padawan looking directly into her eyes.


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