Chapter Four

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16 Years Prior

Te'elis' clan excitedly waited against the wall in the Jedi Training Gallery. They had been training for months in the various forms of lightsabre combat. Sabre skills were not one of Te'elis' prime achievements. Still, L'echar, who was ten years her senior and the former padawan to Jedi Council member, Master Ori, had mentored her through today's display. Having L'echar as a friend and mentor meant the world to Te'elis. She was the only Miziri youngling, and some made it their business never to let her forget that she was different. Furthermore, she knew she would not be the star pupil of her clan. Stellan Gios, Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann would be chosen as padawans before her.

Looking out at the various Jedi Masters and Knights who had come to see the clan display their skills, Te'elis spotted Master Ori watching. Sitting with Masters Cherff Maota and Rana Kant, she watched young Te'elis keenly.

"Initiates. I can see from the anticipation in your faces that you know why you are here today." Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter said as he spoke to the clan. "You will demonstrate your aptitude in the Force through a traditional and ceremonial lightsabre duel. One that changes every year. As you may have learned, past tournaments have been held in zero gravity or simulated blizzards." Looking around again at their excited faces, the Grand Master smiled. "This year, as ever, we sought guidance from the Force, and the contest will be held to be held on dry land."

"Oh, thank the stars!" One of the initiates remarked.

"However, there will be a simulated sandstorm."

If there was ever to be an advantage, Te'elis had never thought this would be her time. Miziri, originating from a desert world, have several features that have evolved for better survival in warm and dry environments, including inner eyelids to protect their eyes from sand and the ability to go for some time without water. Your eyes can deceive you. As a Jedi, you must rely on your feelings. You must rely on the Force.

As Master Yoda stood, all the initiates refocused. "Interfere, the Council will not. Sacred the bond between Master and Padawan. Guide us all; the Force will. Focus, you must." Looking around the room, he nodded. Let the tournament begin," he added, striking the gong.

"The Force will choose the combatants," Master Veter announces as he a small round stone from a large container in front of him. "Each Initiate's name is inscribed on one of these Vagni stones, which will be randomly picked using only the Force. Come forward when your name is called." Dropping the stone back in the container, they whirl around, rattling together as if they're being stirred. "The first combatant is..."

Biting her lip, Te'elis nervously waited as the stones stopped stirring as one was chosen.

"Initiate Te'elis!"

All eyes were on her, and congratulations spread as she stepped forward.

"And his opponent will be..." Master Veter continued as the stones began to churn once more. "Initiate Regald Coll."

Regald Coll was a skilled lightsaberist, but Te'elis knew him as the comedian of their clan. As they faced each other, the sandy winds rushing all around, they turned to face each other.

"Contenders, prepare for conflict."

Both ignited their lightsabers, Te'elis relaxing as she shifted her vision, slowing her breathing and focusing on nothing but the Force, how the winds surround her and flow through her. A sence of power flowed through her into her hilt as the blade burst into life. Reginald did the same, yet his eyes were closed, feet apart, lightsabre held low, its blade thrumming with energy.

The sound of the gong again reminds everyone why they are there. "Let the tournament begin," Master Yoda announces.

Te'elis struck first, and the sharp tang of crackling plasma accompanied the Initiates' lightsabres meeting. Regald threw himself back, kicking at Te'elis' ankle, sending sand into her face and almost knocking his lightsabre from her fingers. Blinking, facing the wind, she let the sound flow out of her eyes and met Regald's blade as her opponent went to strike. Te'elis blocks every blow, using the sand to her advantage and the wind as a guide. Regald also tried to use the wind, somersaulting over Te'elis' head and using the fabricated terrain, but Te'elis could see, so slicing up, she forced Regald to find a new foothold, one he couldn't in time. Falling awkwardly, his ankle folded beneath him, and he crashed to the floor, his extinguished lightsabre skittering across the sand. This was it—the moment of victory.

"Are you all right?" Te'elis asked as she used the Force to return Regald's lightsabre.


"Good, then get up."

Igniting his lightsabre, Regald jumped up. Together, they completed the duel before their clan, neither holding back nor pushing the advantage; their lightsabers locked together, and the gallery erupted into applause. Looking around the gallery, Te'elis saw a very proud L'echar watching from beside Master Ori.

"Settle down. Settle down. We must prepare for the next duel. Please. We must have silence," Master Veter remarked as he stood.

The following day, they returned to the same gallery. The same Masters stood in front of the same pupils, the anticipation in the room at an all-time high...

"The time has come, Initiates. I will ask each of the Masters to choose their Padawans. This is a solemn moment but also a joyous one. You are about to embark on the next stage of your journey. May the Force guide us all," Master Veter announced with the same solemnity as the day before. Every eye was watching, everyone waiting for what was to come. "Who will make the first declaration?"

The Duros Jedi Master, Rana Kant, was the first to advance. "I will. By the will of the Force, I choose Stellan Gios as my Padawan."

Smiling wide, he gave a bow. "It will be an honour to train with you, my Master."

"Is there anyone else?"

"Yes. I wish to claim a Padawan." Jedi Council member Master Ori said this, and an excited babble filled the room as the Miziri Jedi Master stepped forward. "I choose Te'elis." Once again, murmurs of congratulations filled the room.

"Thank you, Master."


Present Day

Te'elis was no Jedi Master, but she had listened to Master Yoda's advice. As she stepped into the gallery, she remembered the buzz of excitement. While she had already considered who she might take, she wanted to allow the force to direct her. She watched as their arena was underwater that year, which kind of made for some hilarious moments, but just as she had thought, her attention kept going back to the Sephi initiate, Ziirah Tay. That night, she meditated on it again. L'echar's words of wisdom were always sound. She recalled how Ziirah had used the water's current to calculate the oxygen she needed. Yet there was also a unique understanding of the water, a balance of control she had exhibited in her duel. Te'elis had never mastered swimming, which proved to be an area she could learn from her padawan.

The next day, she was more sure of her choice. As the proceedings started, Te'elis waited for the opportunity.

"Who will make the first declaration?"

The words seemed to come out of her mouth before she mentally prepared. "I wish to claim a Padawan." With every eye on her, she knew without doubt about her choice. "I choose Ziirah Tay." There seemed to be a note of disappointment that she hadn't chosen them, which both surprised and amused Te'elis. "Come, Padawan. Join me." She added as she beckoned the young girl to her side.

"Thank you, Master."

"It will be arduous training; I expect much from you." Te'elis once again felt herself repeating the words Master Ori had offered her.

"And I won't let you down. I promise," Ziirah replied in earnest.

"A promise not to your master you must make, young Padawan, but to yourself. The Force will guide you." Master Yoda said congratulations as he shook Ziirah's hand. "Yes. The Force will guide you both."

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