Chapter Five

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The following morning, Te'elis found herself once again riding the lift up the Jedi Council chambers. She knew the proceedings all too well, having spent much of her years as padawan memorising their timetable. Stepping out, she made her way to Master Yoda's office. To her surprise, Grand Masters Lahru and Veter were there, almost expecting her arrival.

"Master's, if this isn't the best time, I can arrange a meeting time." She said as she looked around the room.

"A perfect time this is," Master Yoda said as he looked up at her. "The subject of conversation you were."

"Te'elis, over the past few years, you have shown true Jedi qualities of great compassion and discernment far beyond your years."

Te'elis wasn't comfortable with this. She had done what was right, but it didn't deserve praise. "I don't understand. Am I in trouble?"

"The opposite." Master Yoda said as he ushered her to sit with them. "A Master you will be, shown you are capable of great things."

"I am honoured," Te'elis remarked with a bow; it felt as if Master Ori had said those words; in fact, she had many times, but this was so much more. She knew her former master would have wanted to be part of this moment in Te'elis' life. Do not dwell on the past. Those words once again rang in her mind.

"By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, I dub thee the new rank of Jedi Master, Knight of the Republic, protector of the light." Master Veter declared this as he proudly made it official.

"I sense you came here with other intentions?" Master Lahru asked as they all stood.

"I did," Te'elis replied. "I wanted permission to continue Master Ori's commitments and missions." She explained without reservation.

Considering this request, all three Grand Masters took a moment to commune with the Force. "I think it would be very fitting," Veter remarked as he opened his eyes.

"I agree," Lahru added with a nod.

Finally, Yoda nodded in agreement. "It would be a shame if Ori's work was forgotten. We have gained much knowledge but still have much to learn."

"I know I do not have her skills..."

"All are unique in the Force, Master Te'elis." Veter interrupted. Your skills and interests may differ, but they are still valuable."

As Te'elis received her unexpected promotion, the newly selected padawans were excitedly exploring their new dorms. Ziirah was unpacking a few belongings into her new room when the group returned from breakfast.

"Oh wow, you have the best room," Zeek Ryn, one of the other newly chosen padawns, said as he looked around her small room.

"It's not that special," Ziirah remarked as she neatly placed her spare robes in the closet. With just a bed, desk, wardrobe, sink, and a space to meditate, her room wasn't anything special in her eyes.

"You've got a window room."

"Master Te'elis must have swayed to get you a room with a window." Another padawan remarked.

"Speaking of Master Te'elis..." Turning, Ziirah saw Reath Silas, one of the older padawans, step into her room. "She sent me to tell you that you'll be going on a field mission." Pausing for a brief moment, Reath looked around. "This really is a nice room. It has a window and a sink."

"Thanks," Ziirah remarked as she slowly put her spare robes back into her duffle bag. "When should I be ready."

Smiling, Reath couldn't help but laugh. It was cute how eager Ziirah was. "Master Te'elis is usually very scheduled. But she was waylaid this morning, so maybe 20 minutes."

"Thanks, Reath," Ziirah said.

"It's okay."


Following a meeting with the Grand Masters, Te'elis made her way to the archive storage room. This time, she let herself sense everything she could; nothing held her back. Looking over the handwritten notes Master Ori had left, Te'elis could see how long her former master had been working on this research. Everything was categorised using the same methods Ori had used on an archaeological expedition, a formula ingrained into Te'elis. On the desk was a small device that she hadn't seen before. Tapping it, a vast star map filled the room, a map of space where the ship had been found. Turning around, she could see it as if she was there, paused in time and space. Each piece of debris was placed where she had initially found it.

Looking at her timepiece, Te'elis swore under her breath. She had come here for the data bank that held her former master's field notes but was about to be late for her first field trip with her padawan.

Walking the halls, there was a renewed sense of purpose. In all truth, she was ambitious to climb the ranks and follow the bureaucracy of the Jedi Order; she had always seen it as trivial, but now, even turning the words padawan and master over in her mind filled her with a new sense of meaning.

Ziirah waited patiently at the padawan dormitory. Upon seeing Te'elis, she eagerly stood, grabbing her bag. There was no sign of judgment that they were already running behind schedule. With the help of Dez as a pilot, they were on their way to the Miziri System.


Sitting in the sleepaway, Te'elis decided this was the best time to get to know her new padawan. "Would you like a padawan braid?" she asked as she gently brushed Ziirah's long, thick black hair.

With a gentle nod, the young girl rummaged through her bag. "I brought these, just in case," she said as she pulled out traditional Sephi clan beads.

Te'elis couldn't help but glance down into her padawan's bag, and in the briefest moments, she saw two lightsabre hilts, one slightly shorter than the other. "You have two lightsabers, yet you only fought with one in your trial?" Ziirah froze, unsure of what to say. Sensing this hesitation, Te'elis tried her best to calm her. "You're not in trouble; I'm just curious."

"I felt called to train in the Jar'Kai method, but I didn't have time to perfect my forms. Master Yoda said I should still go ahead with just one," Ziirah explained as Te'elis began forming the braid.

"The Force does work in mysterious ways," Te'elis remarked. As you know, I found an old lightsabre at the gathering and was thinking of learning Jar'Kai. Perhaps we are meant to learn together."

With her padawan braid complete, Te'elis let Ziirah sleep. It would be a long trip, and matching up with Mizra's time zones was a nightmare. Sitting in the co-pilot's chair, she was met with a focused Dez as he busily calculated the hyperspace jump himself. He was always better at this than her, and quite frankly, she wouldn't risk bringing a navigation droid to Mizra.

"Master Te'elis," Dez jibed as he finished punching in the hyperspace calculation. "How is it?"

As the stars streamed past, Te'elis looked out the cockpit window at the cerulean swirl. "It feels right. It feels like I am continuing Master Ori's legacy."

With seriousness, he turned to look Te'elis eye to eye. "She would be proud of you."  

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