Chapter Eight

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"Master Te'elis, we don't need a mission efficiency report." The shimmering figure of Master Rosason said.

"Of course," Te'elis replied with a nod.

"Good it is to hear of your training methods," Master Yoda remarked as if sensing the discomfort in Te'elis.

With a click of the holoprojector, the holographic images of the Jedi Council faded away. Master Rosason's bluntness was typically refreshing for Te'elis, but she was frustrated in this instance. Her tasks were impossible. Don't use that word, Te'elis! 'Impossible' is a word that is used far too often.

Hearing the knock on the door, Te'elis looked to see Ziirah open it slowly. "It's okay; I'm done." She could sense the curiosity and nervous energy surrounding her padawan. She wanted to know if the council was happy, too. Giving a smile, she hoped that would reassure Ziirah. There was something else in that expression, though.

"I'm sorry if I am a disappointment."

"What," Te'elis replied. "No, where did you get that idea?"

Looking down, Ziirah's ears even drooped. "There is so much I don't know. I should have studied better."

Shaking her head, Te'elis smiled. "I love your eagerness; you remind me of myself in many ways. I didn't expect you to study all there is to know before coming. You did well today." Pausing, she thought for a moment. "If you sense disappointment. It is my own, not yours."

"Te'elis, Ziirah! It's supper time."

Hearing Mistress Vriha's call, Zirrah put a hand on her stomach. "I hope tonight's meal will be more agreeable."

"We shall see."

Once again, they headed downstairs, and once again, Te'elis saw the memorial candles burning. She chose to ignore it and continue.

In the kitchen, Alrik and Vriha chatted with two important-looking Sephi women. "Oh, good. Here are our guests, Jedi Master Te'elis and her Padawan, Ziirah." Vriha announced as she placed a hot pot of tea at the centre of the table. "Jedi, this is Mizra's Chief Arbiter, Lady Adl, and her wife, Professor Yara," a younger Sephi, around Ziirah's age, stood. "And their daughter N'alae," Vriha added.

"It is lovely to meet you," Adl replied with a graceful smile. "When Vriha mentioned you had a Sephi padawan, I was excited to bring our daughter with us tonight."

This time, Ziirah paced herself and savoured the different flavours. She wasn't used to sharing a meal with beings of her kind, but this felt right.

"Master Te'elis, what business does the Jedi have for you here?" Professor Yara asked as she had a spoonful of allium broth.

Thinking over her words, Te'elis wasn't sure how she would describe her reasons. "I'm continuing my former master's research."

"Speaking of which," Alrik remarked as he fished the data pad from his robes. "You might find these astrometric charts rather interesting."

Watching as she looked, Te'elis could see the curiosity bloom within Yara. "Most of her research was translated from the old tongue, mentioning names and places I've never heard of."

Turning to Te'elis, Yara put the pad down. "I'd like to look over these in my lab."

"Of course."


The following morning, getting a cab, Te'elis and Ziirah made their way to the Miziri Academy of Sciences (MAS). The two were quiet; there was so much on Te'elis's mind. She had hoped Alrik could find information about the mysterious places and names or anything about the ancient Miziri Jedi.

"We've only been here a day, Master," Ziirah said as she turned to her master, evidently able to feel Te'elis concern. "It will all work out."

"You're right."

For a second, she centred herself. This mission was of importance to her and the Jedi Order. For some reason, they also wanted to know about her origins. This database was an enigma her former master hadn't been able to crack, but Te'elis believed she could solve it; she just needed to find the right resources.

The advanced educational and research institute was renowned for its archaeological research and spent much time studying sub-quantum transporting but with little success. Another lesser-publicised academy faculty was Astrophysics and Astrometrics, which once had numerous pathfinder teams working with the Republic.

"Welcome to the MAS Astrometrics Lab," Professor Yara remarked, the door to her lab wooshing open. "I know it's not much and nothing as fancy as Naboo, but ..."

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Ziirah shrilled as she spun in amazement, looking up at the large, wraparound holographic wall screen, which could display a three-dimensional stellar region.

"It really is!" Te'elis conceded as she looked up. "And your lab can match these stars."

"That it can!" Yara replied confidently, "Our stellar cartography database has stars mapped by every Miziri interstellar mission, maps from the San Tekka database, and the Isobe and Jedi Archives."

"Jedi Archives?"

"It may be a little outdated, but they help chart the positions of stars, planets, nebulae, and other stellar bodies relative to the galactic core," Yara said as she punched the instructions onto the computer. "Here we go," she added, stepping back and watching.

Te'elis watched as the computer tried to calculate the star's relative positions. "Anything."

Yara looked intensely at the readings. "These stars are 2.5 million light-years away," she said as she stepped back from the screen. "No ship has been that far and back; it's inconceivable."


Meeting Vriha in the temple dojo, Te'elis looked forward to blowing off steam. Vriha was not only the High Priestess but also a Sum Saahna Master, an ancient and traditional Miziri martial art.

Giving a bow, Vriha looked Te'elis eye to eye. "I sense conflict with you."

"You've been hiding something from me," Te'elis said as she bowed. "And now I think Master Ori was, too," she added, changing the settings on her lightsabre.   

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