Chapter Six

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"We are honoured you made the journey, Master Te'elis," Minister Rill said as she led the two Jedi from their ship to the Royal Palace. "It's a Curious name, an ancient name meaning..."

"Song," Te'elis finished, demonstrating that she knew her name's meaning. "And this is my padawan, Ziirah."

Looking at the young Sephi apprentice, Minister Rill smiled. "In our tongue, your name translates to flower, a delicate object with great strength and endurance."

Glancing at her Ziirah, Te'elis saw that her pale peach face gave the slightest blush.

"When we were notified of Master Ori's passing, may her name be remembered, we worried our connection with the Jedi would end."

"I am committed to continuing her research and roles within the Jedi Order. However, I can never replace her or her knowledge and experience." These words were not just merely rehearsed; Te'elis found being back in the Miziri home world clarified many things in her, her mission being one of them, but also her more personal quest, the same quest her former master had kept secret.

"Well, it is certainly reassuring to hear that." The minister said as she ushered them into the grand entrance hall of the Miziri Royal Palace.


This room was by far the grandest thing Ziirah had ever seen. As she followed her master, she took in every sight and smell. The hall was gigantic and ethereal, with carved pillars of white alabaster, huge silk curtains wafting in the capital's coastal breeze, and polished white and golden Miziri marble floors. Then, the platform was where the Miziri Queen sat with her maidens, officials and High Priestess, her trustworthy advisor.

Seeing her master kneel reverently, Ziirah followed suit. We had never felt more guarded beings. Typically, a Jedi could sense the feelings around them, but Ziirah could feel the effects of well-trained minds. It was never her intention to take advantage of the weakness of others; that would be wrong in every way, but she had felt comfort in her strength.

"Te'elis, Master of the Jedi Order, welcome home to Mizra," Queen Lourdes remarked as she ushered them to stand. "And with a padawan, too, you certainly have come a long way."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Te'elis responded. "This is Padawan Ziirah. She is still learning but will prove to be a fine Jedi."

Ziirah was surprised at her master's faith in her. This was, after all, her first day as a padawan. Or perhaps it was some traditional introductory greeting she didn't know of-no. What Ziirah knew of the Miziri was limited, but it held one key fact: their culture was formed on tradition and law, one such law being absolute candour. Breaking the code of absolute candour was considered, at best, dishonourable or dark-sided at worst. So, logic dictated that for her master to have given such praise, she had truly meant it.

"Yes, I sense great potential in this one." The Queen agreed. "Mistress Vriha will escort you during your time here."


The Miziri Ashla Temple was a beautiful place. Ashla was seen as a mother figure who expressed the feminine aspects of the Force. The capital of Mizra, Valla City, stood firm and proud, with a beskar polearm and what looked to be a dazzling aurodium curved single-edged blade on end. The majestic Miziri Convor was on her shoulder, wings widespread, symbolising the Force's guidance.

"Where are we being taken," Ziirah whispered as they followed High Priestess Vriha.

"I'm taking you to your lodgings," Vriha replied with laughter. "You should know that native Miziri have excellent hearing, much like our Sephi cousins."

"Sorry, Mistress."

"There is no need for that; there is no place for shame in learning," Vriha remarked as she ushered them into the Temple gardens.

"I couldn't agree more," Te'elis added.

The temple gardens were part of the Greater Temple District, and all public civil ceremonies were held here; from birth until death, Miziri life was tied to this place. The sound of cheering was heard in the distance, accompanied by the sounds of a lute band, most probably a wedding.

"This is an ancient holy site; the main temple structure is built on a vergence in the Force," Te'elis explained. I brought you here to show you there are more ways to understand the Force than just the Jedi. Many different Force-based religions are understood in three aspects: Ashla, Bogan, and Bendu. Like the Jedi, the Force is understood through the Ashla as the protector of life and light," she added, pointing to the temple statue.

"I remember Master Ori teaching about that," Ziirah replied as she looked at the statue again. This time, her eyes wide, her ears pricked to every sound.


Mistress Vriha listened. She had known Ori well and would have considered her a friend. She had often hosted her in the monastery and L'echar and Te'elis as padawans. Opening a small gate, she led the Jedi into her home. "It's simple but welcome."

"Thank you so much," Ziirah said straightaway.

"I'll show you your room."

As she led them up a narrow, winding staircase, they passed a window with a view of Valla City; on the ledge, a memorial candle and incense were still burning. As they reached the top of the stairs, the area became a loft with two comfortable beds and a small lounge area.

"Thank you again, Vriha."

"It's my pleasure to host you." Leaving the two to rest until midday, Vriha went to her study. Sitting at her desk, she opened the message she had received upon the news of Ori's death: my dearest, Vriha. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I should have known I could not truly escape the scars of Jedha.... Fast forwarding the message, she found the spot ... on Coruscant. I believe you might be able to give Te'elis the answers she seeks. Your guidance will give her balance, and your connections to the Miziri Scientific Institute will be invaluable. She will need help in her quest once I am gone. I hope you will extend the same hand of friendship to her as you did to me all those years ago.

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