Chapter Thirteen

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I turn the frayed book over in my hands, booking back over the words that speak of a girl made of moonlight. I can't help the thought that it sounds like Alessia. She has no idea how fitting the words were. Why else would she be raised by him of all people? The one recognized as a god of archery, perfect to protect her. A god of truth and prophecy, a prophecy revolving around her. A god of the Sun and light, opposite of our creator Selene. She has been lied to her entire life, but if this prophecy is correct it was destined to be so.

My heart begins to race when I remember the next part of the prophecy, "She is destined to be the Luna" but of what pack? What a cruel joke of fate if it is the Vandro pack. I would never allow that. She is too good. Maybe even too good for me.

A knock on the door brings my attention away from the book in my hands. His face is serious, no hint of the youthful joy that he usually portrays. A part of me wants to turn him away, not wanting to accept any bad news.

"How is she?" I hold my breath in the moments it takes for him to respond

"She's sleeping. Lex is with her." I can see hesitation in his eyes before he continues, "I don't feel good about this. I don't think these migraines are coincidental. That combined with the glowing and everything else I just can't look past that book. I don't think we should ignore it."

I'm glad my second has had the same thought process as I have. "I know." I say to him, I do know. I just don't know what comes next.

"I spoke with Damon. He recognized the text as an ancient one but stated there was not one in our collection. He doesn't know when it was placed in the library but it must have been recent as it wasn't noted in the audit that was completed last month."

I figured as much. I'm not a book expert myself but I am at least a little familiar with the types of books we have in our archives. I would have known if we had a text such as this one. If not me, Damon would have for sure. "Thank you for checking with Damon. Please tell him to keep this information to the group who already knows. No one else. We don't need it getting out that we have such a book, or that it miraculously appeared in our archives." I can already hear the elders demanding to get their hands on the book if it is made known it is here. The last thing I need is for the book to get lost or worse yet, for the Vandro pack to get word of it. If their Alpha hears of such a tale, he would no doubt claim it as his own. Claim her. Even if it isn't her the words write about.

"Of course, Alpha. I will inform him. Is there anything else I can do for you?" He has taken on the voice of my second, not my friend. He does this when he's nervous. A tell only I have noticed.

"I need you with me tonight. There's one person who should know what this is about and I plan to speak with him." Without a glance to him, I'm dialing a number on my phone I never thought I would call.

It only takes one ring before he answers. "What?" Short and tense, exactly what I would expect from the male.

"We need to talk." I get straight to it, not wanting him to hang up before I can make my request.

"Clearly. What about?" I can hear his jaw ticking on the other end. "Don't waste my time, Alpha."

"Not over the phone. Meet me in the clearing behind the training grounds at midnight."

"Such a demanding little pup. Why would I do what you ask of me?" He wants to get the best of me, but I am no longer a child who will react to such childish teasing.

"Because it's not for me. It's for Alessia." I knew the mention of her name would make him come. It's evident he truly cares for her. Enough to forgo his superiority complex and agree to my request.

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