Chapter Eleven

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I must have fallen asleep on the drive. When I come to a sense of awareness, the left slide of my body feels as if it is pressed against a heated blanket. It only takes a second for me to realize I'm being carried. I blink my eyes open and see that it's Matteo who holds me and he is walking me to the room I stayed in the last time I was at the packhouse. Without thinking, I nuzzle into his chest. He has yet to notice I'm awake and I take the opportunity to really look at his face. He is stunning. Perfectly tanned skin with a jawline that could cut glass. My favorite part has to be the dimple that peaks from his right cheek as he talks but especially when he smiles.

He effortlessly nudges the door open and makes his way to the bed in the center of the room. As he places me down, he finally notices I am awake. He smiles down at me and continues his movements. Without a word he pulls a blanket over me and tucks me in tight. Once he is satisfied with his work, he pulls away.

"You looked so tired I didn't want to wake you. Go back to sleep. You need the rest." He starts to make his way out of the room and before I even realize what I'm doing, I've grabbed his hand.

Once my action has settled, I immediately pull back and the warmth disappears with it. "Thank you, but I feel okay. I don't think I could fall back asleep if I tried."

He nods and I pull myself up to sit on the side of the bed. I want to thank him for extending his hospitality yet again. I don't want to be a burden but I can't deny that I'm happy to be back here. "Thank you for letting me stay."

His face lights up in what looks like surprise. With a shake of his head he answers, "I told you that you were welcome back any time. I meant it. It is no hassle at all to have you here, Alessia."

His words sound so genuine it brings a rush of heat to my cheeks. His gesture is nice but I'm sure when he said that he didn't expect for me to be back so soon. Not even a week has passed and I needed rescuing yet again.

"I'm being honest. Who do you think suggested you come here? I told Lexie to ask you." His words are light and slow. As if he thought carefully about each word before saying them.

If he heard the conversation between Lexie and I, he must think I've gone mad. I told her my arm was glowing like a neon stick at a rave. How could I not sound crazy? The last thing I want is for someone to pity me and think that I've lost it. Unless they think I lied and are waiting for Enzo to come and get his crazy sister. But he knows the truth. He would vouch for me.

A tentative hand on my arm brings me out of my spiral. His hand is soft and his thumb brushes over my skin like feathers. "Les, I promise nothing bad will happen to you here. No one will hurt you."

"Thank you, but that isn't what I was worried about."

In a beat, he responds, "We will figure out what happened. Why those wolves attacked you, why your arm glowed, why you walked away unscathed. All of it. I will personally check our archives of any records that may provide some guidance."


It's later in the evening now and I have made my way outside to enjoy some fresh air and a beautiful summer sunset. I have always found that the best way for me to clear my mind is to be outside. Since I can't go to my usual spot behind our home, the packhouse gardens will have to do. They're beautiful. Even more stunning now than the last time I was here with Matteo.

The sweet smell of honeysuckle graces my nose and I take a deep breath. The scent grounds me and I make a mental note to thank the therapist at the university clinic who taught me the breathing technique. I thought she was full of it then but right now, I finally feel grounded.

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