Chapter One

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Chapter One

I quite literally never want to do that again. Physics 1302 has royally kicked my ass and that final exam chewed up all of my efforts and spit it into a rusty trash can. I can only hope the all-nighter I pulled last night was enough to get a C. That's all I need to pass the class and never think about Professor Darnam again. I let my mind drift from physics to the to-do list etched into my mind. Last final, check. Finish packing, not so check. I have just under two hours before Enzo arrives to pick me up. Hopefully he's in a good mood and is willing to help me lug my things down to the car from my dorm room on the third floor. While it was nice being on the top floor with no stomping feet above me, moving in and out takes every ounce of energy I have. Hopefully next year I'll get lucky with a first or second floor unit, or better yet I'll get Enzo to agree to let me not come back at all.

This entire year has felt like I've been walking through water. I get up and go to class each day, work at the coffee shop in the evenings, come home to do homework and then quickly crash before waking up to do it all again. I haven't felt happy since the moment I stepped on Darvin University's campus this fall. I've been trying so desperately to live up to the expectations Enzo has for me; to go to college and do something worthwhile. I never considered what would actually make me happy.

"Alessia! How was the final?" my thoughts are interrupted by my roommate across the courtyard heading in my direction.

Hearing her voice brings a smile to my face. Sam has been the best part of college. Our late night sweet treats and staying up way too late to gossip or watch TV have kept me sane this past year, "Well, it happened!" I let out a nervous laugh, "I think I did well enough to pass the class, but I definitely didn't ace it." I ease into step next to her as we head in the direction of our dorm right across from the science building.

"Hey, that's good enough!" She cheers back to me. She stayed up last night to help me study and I am so glad she did. I would have fallen asleep at midnight if it weren't for her and the second half of my notes wouldn't have been reviewed, "Are you all packed up?"

"For the most part. I need to pack up the rest of my clothes and toiletries and I should be good to go." It's hard to believe we've made it to the end of the school year. I felt miserable the whole time, but the thought of not being her roommate next year does make me sad.

"Same here." She stretches out her arm to scan her key badge across the scanner, waiting the brief second it takes for the old thing to register that something's there. This building is barely staying up, I'm surprised they've even been able to use electronic access with it. "Not gonna miss this, though." I'm not either.

Two hours and five additional boxes later, my side of the room is packed and clean. Sam isn't far behind me, folding the last of the laundry she just pulled from the dryer. I pull out my phone to check any messages that might be from Enzo. He should be here any minute and will need me to badge him into the building. As I glance at the screen, all I see are notifications from my physics class group chat and the weather app alerting me of potential rain in the next hour.

Sam clears her throat next to me, giving me that sly smile she only uses when she's up to something bad, "So, your brother is picking you up right?"


"What! I'm just asking. Can't blame a girl for being curious, he's hot." she drags out the last word for emphasis and I gag. This is not the first time we have had this discussion and each time I pray it's the last."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you've told me. He'll be here soon so you better stop drooling before your chin starts to prune." Sam responds by throwing a pillow in my face and I stumble back with a laugh.

Right on cue, as if summoned by the gods, a knock sounds on our door. Sam and I glance at each other with puzzled faces. Sam's family won't be in until the morning to help her move out and I still haven't heard from Enzo so it's a surprise when I hear his singsong voice booming from the hallway, "Alessia!! Let me in! I brought your hemorrhoid cream straight from the pharmacy like you asked." This has been his ongoing joke for years now. I asked him what a hemorrhoid was once in the seventh grade and he has used it as embarrassment ammo ever since.

I rip the door open and clench my fist in the collar of his shirt, dragging him into the room as quickly as I can to shut him up, "Enzo, shut up! Will you ever let that go?"

"I'll stop the moment it stops being funny," he gives me his famous smirk that has had all my friends crush on him from the moment we knew what crushing was.

Sam speaks up from her desk where she is currently sitting, "How'd you even get in here Enzo? Did someone badge you in?" I can see the blush rising to her cheekbones as the last words leave her mouth.

"Yup. A mom and daughter duo saw me standing outside and just couldn't pass me up."

"Bub, your head is actively growing to the size of a boulder as we speak. You better stop gloating now before there's no return." I give him my biggest smile with the jab and hand him over a box to carry. I've missed our teasing games like this and for the first time since I saw him last at Christmas, I feel like myself.

Enzo hustles out of the room carrying a few boxes as he gloats back something about his head not being able to get any better. I roll my eyes, turning away from the door to face Sam who is staring at me from her side of the room. I can guess what she's about to say as she aggressively whispers at me, "How did he get even hotter since winter break? That's insane." I gag in response and grub my duffle of crewnecks, more than one girl needs, and follow behind Enzo to his midnight blue Trailblazer in true soccer mom fashion. Enzo grabs my badge with a smile, heading back up to my room to grab the last of my boxes. I watch his figure as he goes, waving at another mom coming out of the building with a suitcase in hand. I've always been amazed at how charming he can be.

For the first time today, I have a moment to sit and think. I brush my hand along the upholstery of the passenger seat and let my mind wander as I wait for Enzo to return. I can't believe this year is over. Honestly, I never thought it would end but now that it has, I feel like I'm forgetting something. Like there's something big I have left to do but there isn't. My physics final was my last task of the semester. I'm free, thank goodness. I just hope this feeling goes away before we get to the campsite where we'll be for the next week. The last thing I need is to feel anxious when I'm already nervous about my looming talk with Enzo. I have no idea how he'll react when I tell him I want to take a leave of absence from school. I'm sure once I explain he'll understand. I just don't know if he'll stay calm long enough to let me get that far. I know he just wants the best for me.

A rapping on the window pulls me from my thoughts. Enzo is motioning for me to roll down the window from the outside with a grand smile on his face. I let out a laugh as I press the button to let the window down, "I turned in your key to the desk on my way down. You did it! ¼ of the way done!" He's beaming from ear to ear, and I'm convinced even less now that he will let me explain.


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