Chapter Six

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The moment we make it back to the pack house Enzo rushes me upstairs and straight to bed telling me to get some rest as he shuts the door behind him. The night ends uneventfully and my dreams follow suit. It took me so long to fall asleep that once I was able to, nothing but blurry black scenes filled my dreams. I'm glad to wake when the sun seeps through my blinds the next morning. My thoughts keep drifting back to last night and the anger etched on Enzo's face. I'm in for an earful once we hit the road.

I make my way to the dining hall to have breakfast, casting my eyes along the room for Lexie as I drift to the buffet display. Manny is there to greet me, passing me a plate before grabbing two for himself and joining me in line.

"Hey. Where's Lexie?" I try to sound casual as I ask, but my worry seeps into my voice.

"She's on a patrol run right now. Don't worry."

I give him a nod and pile strawberries onto my plate. We stay silent as we work our way through the meats and eggs in their respective trays. I finish up with a spoonful of diced potatoes and find the nearest table to take a seat at. Manny takes the seat next to me, gently setting his plates down.

"You must be hungry this morning." I do my best to liven the conversation so that this breakfast doesn't kill me out of awkwardness.

"Oh, no one of these is for Lexie. I always get her plate for her." His eyes shine while he gently places a napkin over one of the plates piled with fruit and muffins.

"That's sweet of you. She's lucky to have you."

"I'm the lucky one." He's tearing sugar packets to put in his coffee and I can see his shoulders relax as he continues, "I am happy to make a plate for my mate. We all are, it's one of the greatest forms of endearment to us."

Instantly, I think back to last night when Matteo brought me a plate at the festival. I hadn't realized it could have meant anything more than him being a generous host but now I can't help the flutter that erupts in my stomach at the memory.

"I didn't know that." My words are breathless and I blink in an attempt to pull myself together.


Enzo found me at the end of breakfast to tell me we are leaving today. My heart dropped a little at the news but I knew this was temporary. I just don't know how to go back to normal life with what I know now. How am I supposed to go back to work and studying when I know there are werewolves out there living their lives in secret. It feels wrong to do that.

Lexie pops her head into my room interrupting my thoughts. "Les! Manny told me you and Enzo are leaving today." I usher her in with a wave of my hand and she quickly steps in.

"Yeah, we're leaving this afternoon. I'm glad you stopped by. I wanted to apologize for getting you into trouble last night. I hope it wasn't too bad." That's why I was searching for her this morning. It's been eating me up that she was punished for what we did and I didn't get reprimanded more than a scolding from Enzo. It didn't seem fair.

"It's fine. I just have to take on a few more shifts of patrol. It's not a bad punishment at all considering we need to be increasing our patrols anyway." I try not to think too deeply about her comment. What are we leaving them too?

She reaches out her hand to me with palms up, "Give me your phone." She has taken on a serious tone that tells me she is all business right now and I quickly comply. She's quiet for a few heartbeats, intently typing away at something. When she's finished, she hands my phone back to me with a beaming smile.

"There! Now you have my number. I want to stay in touch when you leave."

I glance down to see she has added herself to my contacts list. A wolf emoji sits next to her name, "A wolf? Really?" I can't help but laugh at the cute emoticon that looks nothing like the wolves I saw when I first arrived at the pack house.

"What? I wanted to make sure you don't forget who I am." She explains.

"As if I could ever forget you, Lexie." I laugh while sending her a quick text so she has my number too. I will never be able to express to her how much having her around the past couple of days has meant to me. She has been a good friend since she met me and never made me feel unwelcomed. I will always appreciate the generosity she has shown me.

Lexie helped me gather my things and once everything was packed, we sat on the bed chatting. It felt like I was back in high school at a sleepover, just talking for hours while enjoying each other's company.

Before long, a knock sounds at the door. It must be time for us to go. "Come on in, Enz!" I shout while pulling my charge from the outlet beside the bed. Surprise takes over as I turn towards the door and see Matteo standing there. He's dressed in all black with damp hair, smiling at Lexie and I from the doorway.

"Oh, Matteo. Sorry I thought you were Enzo." I can't stop the blush that heats my cheeks. Why couldn't I have just said come in?

"No worries. I was hoping to catch you before you left to give my farewells."

Lexie waves to me as she slips from the room, bringing her phone up to her ear as she mouths "I'll call you!" My heart tugs at the sight of her leaving. I'm just realizing that this could very well be the last time I see her. Or Manny and Matteo.

"Thank you for letting Enzo and I stay here the last few days. I really appreciate it. It was nice to meet you all, despite how crazy everything has been." He steps closer to me as I finish. Close enough that I can smell the pine and bergamot of his shampoo.

"You are welcome anytime, Alessia. I mean that." His dimple shows as he smiles at me, a comforting feeling settling between us.

"I'll remember that. Thank you."

His smile is so inviting. My initial instinct is to hug him. In any other situation with any other person I wouldn't even second guess it, but it feels different with him. Nerves flutter in my stomach as I consider it. I remember again that this is likely the last time I will ever see him and I let the apprehension slip away as I lean in to hug him.

He's stills at the contact before quickly wrapping his arms around me. The scent of bergamot is stronger now with him so close and I do my best not to make the inhale I take obvious.

The hug ends abruptly when Enzo swings the door to my room open. I step away quickly, trying my best to stay collected in front of my fuming older brother. "Am I interrupting something?"

Matteo is the epitome of calm, giving Enzo that same smirk as before. "I was just bidding Alessia farewell." Matteo continues, unbothered by Enzo's obvious anger, "Alessia, don't forget my offer." Without a word from either of us, Matteo steps out of the room and shuts the door behind him. Leaving me alone with Enzo and his piercing stare.

"What offer?" It's a question but it comes off as more of a demand.

"It's nothing. Are you ready?" I reach to grab my bag, hoping Enzo will spare me and drop the conversation at hand. My silent prayer is answered when Enzo grabs the bag out of my hand without a word and walks out of the room.

Matteo, Eli, and Manny are waiting for us outside. The Alpha's hands nod to Enzo curtly as he packs our bags into the car. No words are shared, but Matteo's eyes are on me as we wait. They seem to be telling me again not to forget his offer to return. I maintain his stare and hope he can see in mine that I want to see him again and I hope it's soon..


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