Chapter Nine

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Matteo's POV

Immediately I'm enthralled by the smell of beef stew coming from the kitchen. Practically drooling, I make my way through the kitchen doors towards the resident chef of the pack, "Susie! What are you making tonight?"

She responds with a playful slap to my shoulder before reaching behind me to grab spices off the counter. "You know very well what I'm making. It's your favorite."

I give her my biggest smile. Susie has known me since I was just a pup. Her eyes are warm and golden as she tosses the spices into the pot. The heaps of potatoes ready to be smashed before she adds her secret ingredient, cheese.

"And how do you know it's my favorite meal?" I add a hint of suspicion into my tone, going along with the lighthearted nature she has always held with me.

She takes a moment before responding. Making a move to slide her hand just under her chin as if she is deep in thought, "Because you always come back for seconds. With every other meal you get one serving, leaving the rest for the pups to have seconds. Except for when I make my beef stew. That's when you're first in line for a second helping." She smiles with her answer and I'm surprised. She's right but I hadn't realized anyone noticed.

A kitchen towel flies in front of my face. When I turn to look at the culprit, Susie is winding up for her second shot. One I'm sure she won't miss. "Now, shoo! Get out of my kitchen. I need to finish up and you're in my way." Despite her words, she's smiling. Her attention back on the meal. I sneak a carrot from the cutting board into my mouth and slip out of the kitchen and into the dining hall.

There is paperwork I need to go through before sitting down for dinner so I make my way upstairs to my office. Pack members greet me as I go, bowing their heads and saying quick hellos. I'm glad they are finally greeting me with more than a sharp bow with nothing more than a curt "Alpha." It has taken some getting used to for the pack to adjust after my father. While he was a good Alpha, he was still traditional in his ways. There is a balance to respect that I have been trying to manage and with time, things are changing.

Right as I am about to enter my office, I'm caught by Lexie's voice, "I think something is going on with her, Manny."

"With Alessia? What happened?" He asks in a hushed tone.

She answers him quickly, "I don't know but something feels off. I called her earlier and she barely said anything and was so quick to end the call. She sounded so tired."

My chest squeezes as her words sink in. I take a step in the direction of their voices, trying to hear them better.

"Lex, I'm sure she has her reasons. After everything she's learned she probably is just tired. Give her some time and try calling her again."

"It still didn't feel right. I'm just worried about her."

A beat later and I am knocking on the door before I even realize what I'm doing. Manny opens the door quickly, bowing in respect before a quick "Alpha." leaves his lips. Lexie bowing behind him.

The documents have left my mind. My body too worked up to do anything that isn't physical right now, "Afternoon. Sorry to interrupt. Are you up for a spar, Manny?"

"Of course, Alpha. As long as you don't hold back." Manny smirks. He's always up for a challenge.

I let out a laugh as he follows me down to the training grounds, "Never."

The grounds are full of young wolves training. Each bow to us as we walk past mumbling their respects before returning to their duties. The weather is perfect for training. The sun is beginning to set and there's a slight breeze that brings the scent of honeysuckle to your nose.

"What's the report for today?" I ask as we step onto the field.

"Nothing unusual to report. It's been quiet since the feast, nothing more than a few deer." He replies as we take up positions across from one another. For a minute, all we do is stare at each other. Neither of us make that first move. Instead, we size each other up, exuding confidence in our own victories. I break the ice, moving forward and giving a punch that doesn't land. As expected, he easily dodges the maneuver.

"I'm not sure if that's good news or bad news. I think I'd prefer something happening. At least then I'd know what we're up against."

He bounces on his toes before responding, throwing a couple punches of his own that I block. "If it actually is the Vandros pack, we're in for a lot more trouble than we need right now."

"It has to be them, no other pack would be so reckless." Sweat beads on my forehead and my thoughts go back to the conversation between Lexie and Manny. What exactly is Lexie worried about? I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Manny clips me beneath my jaw. I lose my balance with the impact and stumble backwards.

"Matteo, dude! Are you okay? What's up with you? You're clearly distracted. There's no other way I would've landed that blow on you. He extends a hand to help my back to my feet.

"Nothing's up." I make my way to the bench at the edge of the field and take a seat rubbing my jaw where he landed his hit.

"Matteo, you may be my Alpha, but you're also my friend. I've known you since we were in diapers. I can tell that something is bothering you.

"Nothings bothering me. I'm fine." I lie.

"Is it her?" His question catches me by surprise.

"Is it who?" I try to act oblivious. He gives me a look as if he's saying, 'Really?'.

"You're overthinking it.." I try to steer the conversation away from this topic. Because truthfully, I don't even know why I'm so bothered.

"You overheard Lexie, didnt you?" He gives me a knowing look.

"I didn't mean to." I confess.

"She's different" He says matter-of-factly.

"I don't know what it is about her but I'm drawn to her. Ever since I laid eyes on her at the campsite I can't get her out of my head. I'm constantly thinking about what she's doing and if she's okay.

"It almost sounds like she's your Destined." He says it tentatively, testing the waters on how I will react.

"No there's no way. She's not a wolf. Plus I would know without a doubt like you did with Lexie" I state. He nods in agreement. "Maybe it's because she's been around him." I can't help the hint of distaste at the last word.

Manny lets out a laugh. "Who? Enzo?"

I roll my eyes at the foolish name. "Why do you even continue to call him that when he's not here?" I ask.

"Look, I'm not trying to get on his bad side and you shouldn't either." he warns. "If that's what he's going by, there's a reason and I don't want to piss him off."

I wipe the sweat from my eyes, and stand heading back towards the packhouse.

We stay quiet as we walk, both lost in thought. "Hey, Manny?" I say as he starts to head towards his room, stopping him in his tracks.


"Tell Lexie to keep me updated on Alessia." Manny smiles and salutes in a playful way as he walks away to his room.

I stumble up to my own room, needing to shower and change before dinner. I think back to the last conversation I had with Alessia. It was a goodbye. At the time, I was hoping that it wouldn't be the last time I saw her but deep down I knew it wouldn't be. I knew that somehow we would see each other again. But why?

Manny's words echo in my head. Could she be my Destined? Could we make it work if she were? There's been so much pressure on me to find my Luna for the pack. I can't imagine the elders would be pleased with me if I presented a human girl. But if she were my Destined, that wouldn't matter. Not that any of that matters. I remind myself it isn't possible, but despite what I tell myself I can still hear her laughter in the back of my mind.

A shower will be good for me to clear my thoughts. But after that, after dinner, I need to speak with Lexie.


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