Chapter Twelve

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We sit at one of the long tables encompassing the large dining room in the packhouse. The sound of laughter and music fill the space and I can't help but smile. For dinner tonight, the cook has prepared grilled garlic chicken with roasted potatoes and an assortment of charred vegetables. It tastes like heaven in my mouth and I take my time enjoying each bite before moving to the next. The packhouse meals have been the only home cooked meals I've had since before college. Sure the dorm food was good enough, but nothing compares to food cooked with love.

Matteo takes the seat at the head of the table with Manny and Eli at each of his sides. I took the seat next to Lexie and listened as she rambled on about a new mated pair that announced their pairing right before dinner began. I should have been paying more attention to her words but my attention was caught by Matteo whispering something to Manny. It must not have been anything major since Manny's expression remained calm but the moment Matteo pulled away from him, both men turned their eyes to me. Matteo gives a soft smile when our eyes meet which I return.

"Susie has done it once again. This food is amazing." Lexie hums from my side. She is stuffing another bite into her mouth as she says it. I can't help but smile at the sight. She looks like a chipmunk the way she has stuffed her cheeks.

The meal continues like that and before I know it we are finishing up dessert. While the crew continues their heated conversation about whether the glittering insects outside are called lightning bugs or fireflies, I gather up the dishes to bring to the sink that is full to the brim. I can see Susie in the back of the kitchen, furiously prepping some dough for tomorrow morning's biscuits. I can't imagine the stress she must be under prepping all of the meals and cleaning. A quick look back to the table and I see that Lexie is now standing, throwing her arms around in defense of "firefly". I take their distraction as permission to sneak into the kitchen to help Susie with the dishes.

Once I have made my way through a good chunk of the pile, Susie rushes over and pulls me away from the sink. "Oh, dear! You didn't need to do the dishes. I was going to get started on them while the dough rises." Her eyes are sweet and her crows feet crinkle when she smiles.

"I didn't mind! It looked like you were busy, so I wanted to help." I give her a smile, hoping she can see that I meant what I said. I have always been taught that you should clean up after yourself and offer to help clean as a guest so it was second nature to hop into the kitchen to help.

"Well, I will take over from here. Go join your friends and the Alpha. Thank you." Her smile grows as she speaks and her motherly aura makes my heart squeeze.

By the time I make my way out of the kitchen, the dining hall is nearly empty. The only one still at the table I sat at early is Eli who I am happy to avoid. The only other place I know in the house is the room so that is my destination as I move through the hallway.

A hand grabs the back of my arm when I pass by an open door frame. My heart practically leaps from my chest when I turn to see Matteo standing behind me.

"You scared the daylights out of me." I try to laugh to cover up the genuine fear in my voice but by the look on Matteo's face I can tell it isn't working.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I wanted to see if you wanted to join me to the archives. Manny and Lexie are already there. We're going to look for anything that can tell us more about what might be happening." He looks like he is expecting me to say no, glancing just beyond my face as he waits for me to answer.

All I want is to figure out what is going on so it's an easy answer. "Of course. Lead the way.'

He keeps his hand on my arm for a moment longer as he guides me towards the back of the house. I have not been to this part of the packhouse yet and the further we go, the more different it feels from the rest of the building. We make our way down a long hallway that has grand windows on one side with beautiful portraits on the other. Each portrait showcases a man and a woman. By the way they stand and the aura they exude, it's evident these portraits are past Alphas and Lunas.

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