Chapter Ten

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When I wake, I can hear soft voices coming from the kitchen. I quickly brush my teeth and make my way to join the pair for coffee. My eyes feel so heavy, still crusted with exhaustion. As I enter the kitchen, Enzo and Donny grow silent but from the expression on their faces, I can tell they weren't reminiscing on old times.. They stay quiet sipping from their mugs of coffee as if I wouldn't notice they were in the middle of a conversation.

"Oh, don't mind me." I announce as I move to the island and grab an apple from the ceramic bowl before joining them at the table. When I sit, Enzo pushes a mug of coffee in my direction with one of those smiles you give to a stranger you're passing on the sidewalk but want to seem polite. I accept the coffee with a smile of my own but the tension in the room makes me feel awkward beyond belief.

No one speaks as we drink. Enzo is eating a bagel and Donny has placed all of his attention on a bowl of mixed berries. Whatever they were talking about, they clearly don't want me to know about which is exactly why I ask, "What were you guys talking about?"

At first, all Enzo does is sigh. I think I've heard him sigh more the past week than I have my entire life. His usual peppy glow has dimmed and the bags under his eyes are even worse than mine.

"Enz, what is it?" Worry replaces the irritation in my tone.

"I have to leave for a few days. Alone. I need you to stay here with Donny while I'm gone." His words are quick, leaving nothing up for debate.

"What? Where are you going?" I go through a million scenarios in my head but can't think of a single reason why Enzo would have to leave me alone with someone I hardly know, not even 24 hours after I was attacked.

"I can't tell you that right now and I know that isn't a good enough answer but I need you to trust me. I'm going to get answers as to why all of this is happening." He's softened his tone now. A pleading look on his face.

"Les, I promise I will answer your questions when I get back but for now I need you to stay where you're safe."

Part of me wants to push it and demand that I come with him but his look of desperation and the tone in his voice tells me not to push it. "Okay, I trust you."

Donny chirps in from his place at the table, "We'll have a great time, Alessia." His smile is bright and cheery, the opposite of Enzo's.

"Don't worry, I'll keep her safe." He's speaking to Enzo now and I take his interruption as my queue to leave and return to my room. I may have agreed to staying put but I'm still not happy about it.

Twenty minutes later I hear the car engine rev to life. A peek out the window confirms that Enzo is leaving. Our eyes lock as the car leaves the driveway and Enzo gives a swift wave before peeling away. I wonder where he's going. Is he going back to the packhouse? That's the only explanation that makes sense. Maybe the pack knows why those wolves attacked.

The thought instantly has me reaching for my phone and dialing Lexie before I could even process my actions. Not even a full ring passes when she answers.

"Les! I was just thinking about calling you. How are you?"

Hearing her voice brings a smile to my face. I have missed my new friend. "I'm good. It's been crazy the past couple of days."

"Oh really? Life at home's not going so great?" Her voice shifts with concern.

"That's actually why I'm calling. I lied yesterday when you called. At breakfast Enzo and I got into a fight so I stormed out. I went to the pond out in the woods behind our house for a few hours to decompress. It started raining so I started to head back but that's when I was confronted by two wolves."

DestinedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora