chapter 16

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Yn: oppa.

Jimin: I am here, princess; come sit here.(he said, pointing beside himself)

Let me tell you a little bit about Jimin's parents before I start. They are both secret agents for the underworld; in the underworld, they are referred to by their agent names, but in the upworld, they are known as Mr. and Mrs. Park. Mrs. Park is a teacher, and Mr. Park runs a small cafe. Nobody in the underworld is aware that Mr. and Mrs. Park are married and have three children. Jimin Jihyung Y/n was aware that both of their parents were agents.)

Y/n Sit down next to him.

Jimin: The moon is indeed beautiful, is not it?

Y/n: Indeed, it is.

Jimin: Princess, you already knew I am going to ask you questions.

Y/n: yes, and I knew what the questions were, so I tell you from the beginning.

Jimin nodded, instructing her to continue.

Y/n: Remember two months ago when we had our family video chat? That is when everything started.

Y/n: After our video chat, papa returned home from work the following day. As I arrived home from school, I noticed that he and his mother were using a laptop, perhaps to record a video, while seated on the couch.

We planned to go to Garden. When Papa noticed that someone was trailing us back to the house from the garden, he caught up with him. And in the storeroom tied him up with thread.

and instructed mother and me to wait in the living room. After an hour, Papa came into the living room and said, "I will ask him about it tomorrow since he did not say anything." In the interim, kindly refrain from contacting or messaging anyone—not even Jimin or Jihyung."

Yn: I am curious as to why now. Then he said, "Someone has been following us. If we give you a massage or send you a text, they get to know us."

The man has not said anything in the past two months, but three days prior to my arrival in Seoul, he said everything that papa enemy got to knew that papa and mom are married father warned me that living with him and mother would put me in danger, so it would be best for me to live with you.

Next, I arrived here with Mimi and Grandma, who was traveling to Seoul to meet her son. 

Jimin: who is Granny?

Y/n: Do you recall the person who lives next door to our home?

Jimin: Yes, I do recall her now. But why was not she with you that night when you were alone?

Y/n: Grandma got very ill on our trip from Busan to Seoul, so I advised her to go to her son's house since it was close by. Also, your apartment and her son's house are on different streets than Grandma give me your address. And then you knew what had happened.

Jimin: my princess is so strong. (He said, stroking her hair.)

Y/n: after all I am your sister oppa.( she said and hug him)

Jimin: "Yes, princess, do you have the letter mother gave you?"

Y/n: I have, but how are you aware of it?

Jimin: it's  your oppa magic princess.

Jimin: Well, tomorrow is the best time to give me that letter because it is already very late and we need to call Jihyung to let him know everything, so he must be worried.

Y/n: Oppa, call him now. I have been missing him for a long time.

Jimin: Okay.

Then they both spoke with Jihyung, told him everything, and finally told him to be careful. After speaking with Jihyung, they both left downtown and went to Jimin Bad silently while the other members were sleeping. Then they both fall asleep.

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