57 - ISHANU Homecoming & Heartfelt Bonds

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The two days spent by IshVi were the best of their lives, filled with fun, love, admiration, intimacy, and their exploration of each other as spouses. They couldn't keep their hands off each other and showered mountains of love on their partners.

Finally, the day arrived when Isha Mam and Shantanu were supposed to return from their Shirdi trip. Ishaan rang up his father, 'Baba, when will your bus arrive at Hinjewadi? Please let us know, we will come to pick you up so you don't need to search for cabs.'

Shantanu, who had kept the phone on speaker, smiled at Isha and said, 'Ishu Bala, we may start from here around 12 AM, so expect us at 5 AM.' The proud parents felt proud of their son, who was growing closer to them every single day and was showing utmost care for them.

Early morning, the alarm rang at 4 AM. Savi emerged from the blanket and shook Ishaan to wake up as they had to pick up their parents. He immediately got up, and both headed to freshen up. Within 20 minutes, they started their car and reached Hinjewadi Bridge where the bus was supposed to arrive.

While Ishaan was playing with the car keychain in his fingers, Savi was enjoying the early morning breezes and looking around at the glowing lights of the bustling city.

Finally, the bus arrived, and one by one, Isha and Shantanu stepped down from the bus, their faces lighting up as they joined Savi and Ishaan on the pavement. With smiles of anticipation, they formed a tight circle, enveloping each other in a warm family hug.

Isha mam checks on Savi and easily notices a big change in her, she has transformed into a married woman and the wife of his dear son. She took no time to understand that they have taken a step further in their relationship which will keep them bound together forever.

As they separated, Ishaan sprang into action, swiftly grabbing the luggage and loading it into the car's trunk. He then moved around to the passenger side, holding the door open with a courteous gesture as he ushered his parents and wife into the car.

Ensuring everyone was securely fastened with their seatbelts, Ishaan settled into the driver's seat, started the engine, and began the journey back home.

On the way, they chatted about their trip.

Shantanu took the opportunity to suggest, "Ishaan, Savi's exams are over, and the prelims are still some time away. Why don't you plan a mini vacation somewhere far from Pune?" He smiled at Isha, who returned the smile, appreciating his effort to bond.

Savi's cheeks flushed with a mix of surprise and excitement when Ishaan seductively glanced at her and raised his eyebrows inquiringly about the mini vacation. She felt a flutter of anticipation, wondering where they might go and relishing the idea of spending more time with him outside of their usual routine.

Isha Mam chimed in, "The weather's perfect, and both of you could use some relaxation. After the stress of exams, take 3-4 days off and come back refreshed. Then Savi can start preparing for prelims and stay with me again, right Savi?"

Both ISHVI responded in unison, "No, No..." Their simultaneous denial was followed by a sudden silence.

ISHANU chuckled at their eagerness to be together, and both ISHVI felt embarrassed by their childish behavior.

Upon arriving home, they seamlessly slipped back into their daily routine. Savi eagerly assisted her Aai Baba with unpacking and organizing their belongings. She enthusiastically contributed to preparing lunch, relishing every moment of being an integral part of the family as their cherished daughter-in-law.

Meanwhile, Ishaan and Shantanu engaged in lively discussions, sharing updates about their respective colleges, work, and upcoming schedules.

After a satisfying lunch, they indulged in a brief nap before making plans to depart for the Bhosle Mansion later in the evening.

To be Continued... (Ishvi returns BM)

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