16 - ISHANU Return to Bhosle Mansion?

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The plane touched down at Mumbai International Airport, and Isha and Shantanu made their way through the bustling terminal to catch a cab to Pune. As the cityscape of Mumbai faded into the distance, anticipation and apprehension mingled in Isha's heart.

The journey to Pune seemed longer than usual, each passing mile accompanied by a silent introspection. Isha stole glances at Shantanu, noting the furrowed lines on his forehead, a mirror to her own inner turmoil.

Finally, they arrived at Bhosle Mansion, the venue of the reception party. The grandeur of the mansion loomed before them, its imposing façade a stark reminder of the world Isha had left behind.

However, Isha hesitated to take another step forward. This premises held painful memories for her—twenty-two years ago, she had been forced to leave the premises along with leaving her dear son in the hands of her elder sister-in-law, Surekha who was the mastermind behind it.

She could never bring herself to return and nobody invited her back, not even her husband! And, the saddest part was that her son grew up believing his motherhad abandoned him for her career goals, while Surekha was the one who raised him.

Though Ishaan had inherited all the values of his genes from Isha, he was still a version crafted by the Bhosles. Isha didn't want to disrupt his special day, so she decided not to enter the mansion. Instead, she opted to steal a glimpse of him and Savi from afar.

She asked Shantanu to go inside and make a secret video call, allowing her to lay her eyes on her beloved son, even if it was from a distance.

Meanwhile, in the reception hall, after the enchanting dance of Ishaan and Savi, they stood awkwardly together, engaging in conversation with the crowd. But no function is complete without a mishap.

A few staff members and students (Durva's friends) began gossiping about Savi—her background and related matters. While their comments weren't direct, they were undeniably harsh.

"I heard she's just a small-town girl who lucked into this marriage," one person sneered, casting a disdainful glance in Savi's direction. "What could someone like her possibly offer to the Bhosle family?"

Another voice chimed in, dripping with sarcasm. "And did you see her outfit? Clearly trying too hard to fit in with the high society. It's laughable, really."

A particularly malicious rumor spread like wildfire, causing heads to turn and eyebrows to raise in disbelief. "I heard she only married Ishaan for his money. Can you imagine? Using someone for their wealth—it's despicable."

Meanwhile, the Bhosle family members, Surekha, Yashwant Rao and Nishikant, exchanged knowing glances, their expressions smug with satisfaction on the bitching of Savi. This was precisely what they had feared—that Savi would never be worthy of their esteemed family name.

As the whispers and rumors about Savi swirled around the reception hall, Ishaan couldn't help but notice the malicious glances and pointed remarks directed at his wife. His jaw tightened with frustration, his protective instincts kicking in. He wanted to confront the gossipers, defend Savi's honor, and set the record straight. But he knew that doing so would only fuel the fire, giving credence to the baseless accusations.

Instead, Ishaan forced himself to maintain a calm facade, his expression carefully neutral as he engaged in polite conversation with the guests. But beneath the surface, a storm raged within him—a mixture of anger, hurt, and helplessness.

He stole a glance at Savi, who stood gracefully amidst the crowd, her painful smile never faltering despite the daggers being thrown her way. It pained him to see her subjected to such cruelty, knowing that she deserved so much better.

And then, just as Ishaan was about to intervene, he caught sight of Isha striding purposefully into the room, her presence commanding attention.

All his attention from saving Savi's honor diverted to an unwelcomed entry of Mrs Isha Bhosle. He raises his eyebrows. There were plenty of emotions running in him but his face was straight.

And, on the other hand, Savi gets tearful and finds solace seeing her only Aai-like figure making her entry!

To be continued....(Isha vs Surekha - Verbal war)

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