15 - Shantanu & Isha Talk About IshVi

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The entire Sunday at the Bhosle Mansion was spent in the reception, and the party was still ongoing.

Meanwhile, miles away in London, Shantanu and Isha were puzzled by the sudden news of IshVi's wedding. They were unable to connect the dots. What could have prompted such a sudden decision?

Shantanu spoke up, "Isha, I really don't understand what's going on with Ishaan and Savi. They can't behave like kids. I'm super disappointed in him."

Isha responded calmly, "Ishaan is my child too. He can never do wrong, never!" She added, "I've closely observed Savi too. She isn't the type of girl to do anything rushed or wrong."

Shantanu furrowed his brows, deep in thought. "I know Ishaan means well, but this decision just seems so sudden. And what about Savi? She barely knows our family. How can she adjust to our lifestyle overnight?"

Isha placed a reassuring hand on Shantanu's arm. "I understand your concerns, Shantanu. But you've seen how Ishaan has grown over the years. He's responsible and mature. If he's made this decision, there must be a good reason behind it."

Shantanu nodded reluctantly. "You're right, Isha. Ishaan has always been level-headed. Maybe we should trust his judgment."

"And as for Savi," Isha continued, "she may not be familiar with our family, but I've seen the way she carries herself. She's intelligent, independent, and compassionate. I believe she'll adapt just fine."

"But what about her career?" Shantanu interjected. "She's worked so hard to establish herself and now this. Will she give it all up to be a part of our family?"

"I don't think so," Isha replied thoughtfully. "From what I've observed, Savi is dedicated to her career and she will complete her IAS journey. I'm sure she'll find a way to balance both her professional aspirations and her new role in Ishaan's life and family."

Shantanu sighed, feeling slightly reassured by Isha's words. "I hope you're right, Isha. I just want what's best for Ishaan and Savi."

"We all do, Shantanu," Isha said with a gentle smile. "Let's have faith in them and support them every step of the way."

Shantanu's brow furrowed as he brought up another concern. "What about Reeva? She was about to marry Ishaan not too long ago. How will she react to all this?"

Isha sighed, her expression turning somber. "I know it's a delicate situation. Reeva and Ishaan have a long history together, and their breakup wasn't easy for either of them."

Shantanu nodded in agreement. "It must be incredibly awkward for her now that Ishaan is marrying someone else. And to top it off, she's an assistant professor at Bhosle Institute. How will she handle being around them every day?"

"I'm worried about her too," Isha admitted. "But Reeva is strong. She's always been resilient, even in the face of adversity. I believe she'll handle this with grace and dignity. Some things are always in the hands of destiny. Maybe Reeva and Ishaan were never destined to be together; otherwise, their engagement would not have halted 6 months back. And similarly, Ishaan and Savi were paired up, up above the sky by God."

Shantanu let out a sigh of relief. "I hope you're right, Isha. It's a lot for Reeva to process, but I trust that she'll find her way through it. In fact, it would be too much for our family too because they never liked Savi and her behavior, and you know the reason why!"

Isha clears her throat and with a straight face says, "What happened with me and you, we both are responsible. However, I trust Ishaan, Savi will not face those struggles which I am still facing."

Before Shantanu replies, they hear the announcement from airport authorities, the flight to Mumbai is ready to board. Passengers, please walk to gateway number 4.

Both take their bags and walk towards the corridor. Since the flight was on time, they were sure to land in Pune on the reception night, although the Bhosles were unaware of it.

To be Continued...(ISHANU enters reception hall and all are shocked to see them)

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