24 - ISHVI Dinner Date at ISHANU home

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Ishaan was standing at the door, probably heard the conversation of his wife Savi and mom Isha. He looked at both of them and those two looked at each other and then gazed at him. Isha's eyes were filled with motherly love and Savi looked with a surprise at him how did he land up here.

For a moment, an unspoken question lingered in the air between them, bridging the space with its silent weight.

With a tentative step forward, Ishaan entered the room, feeling the weight of their collective gaze upon him.

Isha murmurs, "Ishu..."

Savi asks, "Sir, I came here to see mam, Aai..I was about to leave."

Ishaan falls short of words and looks here and there. Savi asks, "Sir, Baba is not here, he should reach soon."

Hearing Savi use "Aai" and "Baba" filled him with a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that their marital bond was growing stronger by the day.

Isha asks Savi, "Bala can you bring a water for me?" Savi understands that her mother in law wants her to offer a glass of water to her son Ishu.

Savi goes into kitchen and bring two glasses of chilled water, and serve both Isha and Ishaan.

She notices, both of them have exact style of holding glass and sipping water. She smiles inside her.

Shantanu arrives and his face lights up at the sight of Ishaan. He approaches and envelops Ishaan in a warm hug, which Ishaan reciprocates, though his attention remains fixed on his mother, who gazes at her son with affection, seeing him now as a mature and newlywed individual.

Isha gestures for Savi and Ishaan to take a seat, then leads Shantanu inside. In private, Isha shares her desire to have Ishvi join them for dinner. Shantanu offers his encouragement, saying, "You're strong and bold. Go ahead and handle it your way."

Once the sheera was ready, Isha set the table with care, placing each plate and utensil in its designated spot. As she finished, she called out to Savi with a gentle urgency, "Bala, food's ready. Come and eat quickly, or you both will be late."

Savi glanced at Ishaan, a hint of hesitation in her eyes before she spoke. "Sir, please join us. I know you may not have planned on having dinner here, but it would be a shame to let the food go to waste, wouldn't it?

Ishaan did not say anything but very well understood that its a joint effort of Isha and Savi to make him eat here.

He slightly nods in acceptance.

As all four of them settled around the dining table, Isha's heart swelled with joy. After twenty-two long years, she finally had the opportunity to serve a meal to her beloved son, Ishaan. The simple act filled her with an indescribable sense of contentment.

The aroma of sheera made Ishaan yearn for it, it was equally an urge for him to eat mom-made food after 22 long years.

Isha forgets about her fever and appears energetic, with all her heart and mind, she serves dishes. He puts one extra spoon of sabji in Ishaan;'s plate as it was his favorite.

The aroma of sheera stirred a longing within Ishaan, a yearning for his mother's cooking after 22 long years apart.

Despite her fever, Isha seemed revitalized, her energy unwavering as she served the dishes with heartfelt enthusiasm. She added an extra spoonful of sabji to Ishaan's plate, knowing it was his favorite.

As Ishvi and Shantanu began eating, conversation was initially sparse until Shantanu broke the silence. "Savi, how are your exam preparations going? I often see you and Shaswat studying in the library. Make sure you have enough study materials and practice. And remember, your Maam is still available to help if needed," he said with a chuckle.

Ishaan couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy toward his own mother and student, Shaswat. He interjected, "There's no need, Baba. I have a fully stocked library in our room," stumbling over the possessive pronoun before blushing.

ISHVI feels shy that he said "our" room.

Isha and Shantanu smiles at each other looking Ishvi's awkwardness. They plan to continue teasing them further.

Isha chimed in, "Savi, it's your final year. Don't take any chances. Why don't you stay here until your exams are over?"

Ishaan's reaction was immediate, choking on a mouthful of sheera and hurriedly reaching for his glass of water.

Savi replied, "That's a great idea, Maam, Aai! But for now, we need to head home. I'll check my study materials and let you know."

As the dinner date came to an end, Ishaan couldn't help but express his gratitude, "The food was amazing. I can't move another step after having two bowls of sheera." Everyone chuckled at his body language and belching.

Isha approached to clear the plates near Ishaan's chair, and at that moment, his handkerchief slipped from his hand and landed near Isha's feet. He bent down to retrieve it, willingly touching her feet to seek her blessings. Isha, overcome with happiness, couldn't hold back tears as she placed her palm on his head.

Both acted as if it was unintentional, as if nothing significant had occurred. Yet, deep down, both were filled with happiness for each other.

To be continued...(Ishaan gifts dupatta to Savi)

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