2- Ishaan's Point of View & Dilemma on His Sudden Wedding

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At Bhosle Mansion, 3rd FEB, 8 AM

Ishaan feels dizzy and wakes up with a heavy headache. He looks around, searching for a glass of water. His heavy eyes and dizziness cause him to drop the glass from his hand, the sound of breaking glass jolting him fully awake. Suddenly, memories flood back, taking him back to the hospital where Harini was pleading with him and his 'just a student,' Savi, to tie the knot!!

Tears stream down from both of his eyes. He recalls how he was hallucinating, seeing the entire Chavan family blaming him for their untimely demise in the bomb blast. He curses himself, questioning how he managed to survive while her entire family took their last breath.

Why did he go to Ramtek? He could have just made Azooba sit in a bus or private taxi instead of going there himself. Why did he wait back for the award ceremony? Isha mam (my aai) was already there to honor her!

He started interrogating himself: I cannot believe myself. I enjoyed the function, dance, followed by the food, and when I saw Savi's Tai getting kidnapped, I ran to Savi and decided to be with her no matter what. Surprisingly enough, nowhere did the two ladies whom I think are close to me come to mind or thoughts - Akkasaheb and Reeva.I was only there to save them and to prevent Savi from marrying that monster. Her dreams could have been shattered if that had happened.

But who was that person, crying deeper than Savi inside upon seeing her pain, witnessing her perform the last rites for her family, watching her drown in sorrow, getting unconscious? This cannot be a simple guilt; it's something I have never felt this before for anyone.

I wanted to cancel my pre-wedding rituals but nobody really understood my pain, my unwillingness, nobody, including me!

As soon as Harini tai asked, I didn't take another moment to think about it. Did I really drag a girl just to marry her?

I never forced Reeva, even though she had left me broken on my engagement day and was happily ready to board a flight to London. I could have forced her then and there, but that's not who I am.

So how did I force a girl whom I barely know?

Was it a call from destiny? Were there any signs of us being destined to be together forever, but I never realized?

I am still thinking about her and not my family. Of course, why not? She has become my family, whether we believe it or not. I should first apologize to my family for my drunken behavior and then rush to college to talk to Savi. One thing is for sure, whether anyone believes in this wedding or not, I do trust it, and I will give all my heart and soul to this relationship until my last breath. 

Call it guilt, destiny, or whatever; this is the journey we will explore together.

We may or may not FALL in love, but will surely RISE together, forever

Savi comes out of bathroom with wet hair, sling on her right arm, struggling to hook her top with her left hand. Ishaan sees it and feels awkward! 

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