17. Jack

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Receiving a call from Mr. Z asking me if I could come over to his office the next day right after practice to talk about his daughter was a bit confusing. He told me that Ash was asking for me—wanting to see me back in the hospital. I don't know why but maybe Ash was so angry about me kissing her and she told her Dad about it. And if that is the case, why ask for my presence at the hospital?

Luke crashed at my place right after we landed from Boston. So he's still asleep when I went into the guest room to inform him that I need to go see Mr. Z real quick.

"Did you get in trouble?" He asks.

"I sure hope not!" I answered getting my car keys and head out. "Don't wait for me."

Soon as I arrived at Mr. Z's main office downtown, his secretary did not hesitate on letting me in. Seems like everybody in the building knows that I am arriving today. It's making me more anxious actually. I knocked on Mr. Z's door when I get in and his busy on his phone. He signaled me to just come in and I decided to sit on the couches in there. I don't want to eavesdrop with his phone conversation but the mention of the word daughter caught my attention—seems like he is talking to the attending physician or something.

"Yes... yes... Selective amnesia that's what the they told me." Mr. Z says on the phone.


"Is that the reason why she only remembers only her memories from two years ago?" Mr. Z keeps on saying. "Oh thank God! Yes... I'll be back later. I just have to talk to Jack. Yes, I'll call soon."

He hungs up the phone and sighs, probably gathering some courage to talk to me. I did it too, getting some courage as well. Mr. Z sat on the couch right across from me, he was still silent while tapping his fingers on his knees. He is totally not on his mojo right now so I decided to be the bigger person and break the silence.

"Mr. Z? You wanted to talk to me?" I asked.

He sighed. "I don't want to play around the bush son, I need your help."

I expected something else. "Help? For what exactly sir?"

"It's about Ash-- she's suffering from Selective Amnesia."

"Amnesia." I repeated, though it didn't surprise me already because I have already heard it awhile ago. "What happened sir? I thought she was okay."

He sighed again. "She hit her head big time last night when she fell on the stairs..."


"...according to the nurse who was with her at the house yesterday, Ash was not listening to her and refused to rest. She wanders around the house and she suddenly felt dizzy when she went back to her room causing her to fall on the stairs." Mr. Z sighed again. "Ash is so stubborn at times! And I hated it. She's not like that before."

As much as I want to know anything about Ash and what was she like before, I stopped myself.

"What do you want me to do sir?"

Mr. Z looked at me intently, studying me, probably thinking about the next words he would say.

"You see Jack, nobody knows Ash's past but only us her family and those people who knew her dearly." Mr. Z said, I started to get nervous. "Three years back, she was merely nineteen. In her innocence, she attempted to run away with her boyfriend, who was twice her age and happened to be my employee. Unfortunately, she was unaware of his manipulative intentions. Basically, he wasn't a good guy. He had done something wrong at my company and wanted to escape punishment. So, he tricked my daughter into going with him, using her to threaten me. She didn't realize what he was up to."

His voice trails off, choked by emotion, and he takes a moment to compose himself.

"It was during those dark days that my wife... she couldn't bear the strain. It... it broke her," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. His fingers tighten around the photograph, as if seeking solace in its tangible reminder of happier times.

"We lost her," he says, his voice heavy with regret. "And though my daughter eventually found her way back, the scars... they remain." He looks up to me, his eyes clouded with sorrow. "I'm sorry for burdening you with this," he says softly.

"It's okay Mr. Z." I replied, not knowing the exact words I should say in order for him to feel relieved.

I heard myself sigh, damn! This is way too heavy, I don't even know what kind of help Mr. Z needs but after hearing those revelations I surely couldn't say no for sure!

I heard him chuckle. "Relax Hughes! This ain't big of a favor."

I smiled. "Well, the backstory is way too heavy Mr. Z."

"Yeah, I know... I know! It is." He says but in a lighter mood now. "I need you to pretend about being Ash's boyfriend."

What the fuck? Pretend? Ain't big huh?

"W-why me sir?" I asked in complete confusion.

"She thinks you're her boyfriend."


"I know! I don't even know why she thinks that you are!" Mr. Z explained. "Everybody was so confused but we told her that it is not you. But she keeps on insisting that you are, and you guys have been dating for years now--"

"I-- I don't understand--"

"We all are." He supplies. "But we came to a conclusion that she thinks that you and her ex-boyfriend are the same person."

"Oh god!" I muttered. Not just because of what happened to Ash thinking that me and her ex-boyfriend are the same person, but also from the fact that I surely lose my shit if I pretend to be her boyfriend!


I can't just pretend! I'm attracted to her!

"Will you do it?" Mr. Z says snapping me back to reality. "No! It's actually not a question, I want you to do it please Jack."


I sighed gathering my shit!

Well, I find it really hard to come close to Ash. Maybe this is the opportunity, but damn! I don't want to take advantage of her.

I sighed again. "I'll give you until tomorrow to think about it if you can't decide this instant Hughes. I totally understand--"

"I know it is hard for me to process these all at the moment. But... I'm willing to do it sir!"

It is now or never.

The Memory: A Jack Hughes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now