12. Ash/Jack

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"Saw that!" Ellen says teasing me when I decided to join her in the middle of the dancefloor, dancing her ass with some random dude. She's clearly drunk now, I can tell.

"Yeah, whatever." I said ignoring it. "Can we go home now? You're drunk already."

"I know. But I kinda wanna grab some more drinks at the bar. Mind if you call Jack for free drinks, eh?"

"Absolutely not!" I immediately said and grabbed her. "Now let's go."

"Wait, can we stop for a bit. My head is spinning." She says and stopped indeed closing her eyes while holding me.

"Oh no... I might just call Damian to pick us up." I said, she is clearly drunk. We're in great trouble I guess. I mean I don't know, probably because I don't trust myself in driving when it is already night. I'm good at driving when it's daylight, but night time? I don't think so....

"Are you ladies okay?" I heard someone from the back asks and I don't have to turn around to look on who it is because I already recognized the voice and it was the same guy who tried hitting on me a while ago.

"Is that Jack Hughes?" Ellen asks still closing her eyes.

"The one and only." He says.

"Oh good! Can you drive us home?"

"Ellen!" I scolded her.

"Yeah! For sure." Jack says looking at me. " That is what I have been telling Ash a while ago."

"Ellen, we have a car. I can drive us home." I said.

"Yeah, but you don't drive at night... " Ellen busted me. "So yup! Take us home Jack. Here's the key." And she tossed it to Jack.

I only sighed, having no choice. Because Ellen was right, I'm afraid to drive on night time. I'll just let this one pass, I think.

When we head out of the bar, Jack is already waiting outside using Ellen's car. He helped me carrying Ellen's ass unto the car's backseat and let her feel comfortable laying in there.

"Where to?"

"Dad's house." I answered. "You've been there, right?"

Jack nodded. I don't know what happened why this pretty guy is driving us home but I probably should be thankful or else I will be stressed enough on how will I get home without any hassle considering the fact that Ellen is so damn drunk.

"Glad you finally agreed on letting me drive you guys home."

"Only for now. "



Her chocolate-brown eyes are tough to read, but I get the sense she’s weighing my words carefully. It might be that she expects me to talk, fill the silence, but I’m waiting her out. Plus, it gives me time to inspect her close up. And from this distance, she’s even more beautiful than I realized.

She doesn’t just have a world-class ass and endless legs. Her rack is the kind that can turn a man religious. As in the kind of where you thank God for creating this glorious creature and pleading that she is not a lesbian.

I grin at that thought. She noticed it and sighs adjusting on her seat and broke the silence. "Just because you’re pretty and a gentleman right now doesn’t mean I’m interested."

I grin. "A guy’s gotta start somewhere."

A reluctant smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. "Hmm, and yet again! I'm not interested."

"For now, yeah!"

She looked at me and snorted. "Where did you get all these confidence? I mean seriously, it's annoying."

"It's probably annoying for those people who doesn't know the real me." I answered, I mean it's true! And I totally get it.

I see myself as a happy kid and enjoying life and if people mistaken my attitude into someone who is overly confident or cocky then that's on them. What matters is that I know who I am, and I'm just being me.

I only heard her sigh, and based on my peripheral view she is only staring at me-- studying me.

"What?" I ask her chuckling.

"Nothing." She says and just remained silent the whole ride until we reach their house.

When we arrive at the house, Ash and I carried Ellen's ass again down to her bedroom. She's unconscious, really had too much drink that once her back meets the mattress she started snoring.

"Jezz! I'm starting to get tired with this." Ash complains looking at her friend who is peacefully sleeping.

"Is she always like this?"

"Only this past few weeks, I don't even know why." Ash says and beamed at me.

"You have to go now, it's getting late." She says walking out of the room. I followed her. "You can still use Ellen's car and return it tomorrow, it's your day-off right?"

"Is that okay? I mean, I can just order an Uber."

"Oh no need, you did us a favor so let us return it." She says. "Bring the car with you."

"Alright, yes ma'am!" I said grinning at her.

She squinted and glared. "Come on I'll walk you outside."

Reaching the doors, she opened it for me and gestures for me to get the fuck out.

"So... I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I hope not." She bluntly says.

"Ouch!" I said and rub my chest, acting like I'm really hurt by her response. "You know I was still trying to shoot my shot, but you're already breaking my heart."

"You better shut that down right now Hughes." She says.


"Whatever!" She says rolling her eyes. "You better go home now, like, seriously! Have a good night Mr. Hughes!"

"Any good night kiss, perhaps then?"

"You'll get out of here or I'll call my people to salvage you right now? Choose."

"Woah, woah, woah! Chill! I'm leaving now." I said chuckling because I didn't see that one coming. "But seriously though, you have people in here ready to do that?"

"Urgh! That's it! I'm done!" She says and head inside the house slamming the door close.

I just laughed, it was kinda fun messing up with her.

"Good night gorgeous!" I shouted. But then I only heard another huge groan of frustrations coming from inside.

Way to go, I guess!

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