yan !rise! Mikey Headcanons

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The 'im so in love with you it's maddening' type of yandere.

So delusional oh my god.

He doesn't want to 'kidnap' (he just calls it moving in) you until you both start dating, but gets impatient quickly and decides to speed up the process by drugging you and taking you back to the lair.

He doesn't think you'll try to escape, you love him after all. But he does lock the door of your room..just in case.

He won't listen to your pleas to be let free, in fact he gets upset. Why are you trying to leave him. Don't you love him?

Believes your his soulmate, and will do anything to prove it.

I don't see him killing people left and right, but if he does get jealous enough it'll be brutal (lets say you have a fwb or a lover already)

He drugs you to get what he wants. He doesn't even mind that he has too, just thinking it's apart of the process.

You can kind of tell when he's about to drug you, he insists on whatever he's made is 'made with love' and will force you to eat it.

He has punishments, though it's rare that they are physical. If they do get physical you'd probably had to have run away for the thirtieth time that month or something. In which case he takes a sledgehammer to your shins so you can't walk.

He'll coddle you while you scream and cry, because, you know, your fucking shins are smashed inward. But he just brushes the hair out of your face and continues to coddle you.

"Sh sh sh love, it'll stop hurting soon.."

He makes donne set your bones and give you leg casts, loving that you can't walk around without wheeling your wheelchair or having him push you places.

Mikey loves having you depend on him, he feels like a better lover that way.

He threatens you with knifes, though he'd never actually stab you. Maybe light cuts on your cheek or thighs but he'd never stab you.

He forces you to cuddle him, maybe even for you to engage in cuddling first. Pressing a knife up to your back and dropping not at all subtle hints.

"It's been a long day.."

"I'm really tired.."

"Id appreciate a hug or something love.."

And he pressed the knife further into your back until you A). realize what he wants, or B). Give in and ask.

His nonphysical punishments are mild. Locking you in your room, though the time never exceeds three days and he makes sure to feed you. If he drugs you he'll pull you out of your room and cuddle with you on the couch, locking you back into the room when you finally come to.

He'll ignore you or force you to talk to 'Dr. Feelings' who just gaslights you into thinking you're a horrible person for not wanting to stay here.

Rewards would be better than his brothers' objectively. He'd let you go outside and when visit your friends. However he's in a disguise right beside you so you can't really tell them what's going on. And if you try to he's vowed to kill them. And you wouldn't want that, would you?

He gives you cute clothes either he's made or he's bought for you, plushies, snacks, or paintings he's made of you.

He paints you a lot, you're his muse. What he loves most is painting on you though, up your arms or on your tummy, he loves painting on you. Their abstract shapes, probably in the same colors as the marking on his plastron.

He doesn't do it if it makes you uncomfortable, assuming it's a personal preference rather than being touched by your captor.

If you managed to escape permanently, I see him absolutely melting down and not immediately going after you. But you bet your ass Dr. Delicate touch is going to find you.

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