!2012! yan Raph headcanons

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Raph is a yandere in the sense that he eliminates all his competition.. permanently.

He doesn't kidnap you, just stalks you to make sure you get to places safe.

He brutally murders anyone he seems as 'competition'.

Friends, random people on the street, he'll find them all and teach them a permanent lesson against even thinking about making a move on what's his.

He's possessive, obviously.

He doesn't see you just as his property, but you definitely are to him. Fundamentally he wants you happy and healthy..just happy and healthy with him.

I also see him being crazy delusional/paranoid, especially if you talk to the  other people he's deemed as competition. He could potentially hurt you in one of these episodes if you don't calm him down quick enough.

It spirals pretty badly.

Usually ends up with someone dead/hurt.

He acts pretty much the same if you guys are actually dating, though he'd expect you to not talk to any of these people whom he warns you about. Raph will get extremely agitated if he sees you talking with one of those people, no matter who they are.

Like I said, he doesn't kidnap you..but he also did want give you much of a choice in living with him either.

You sleep in his bed, living in his room, in his lair. Typically that's enough for him to be calm, sometimes  everything would even seem normal.

But you couldn't ignore the possessive glint in his eye or how a part of him always seemed to be touching you.

Probably sleeps on your stomach, and can't fall asleep if he's not touching you in some way.

Will wake up even from the deepest of slumber if you move out of his grip throughout the night. Expect him to be standing in the doorway when you get up to pee.

He won't punish you for trying to escape, but would up security and lock down how much 'free' time you get definitely.

Loves watching you. Probably without you noticing either, just watching you cook or do chores. Maybe sing to yourself softly, read to yourself. Chances are he's watching you more often than not.

If you did manage to permanently escape there would be a bloody war path in his wake trying to get you back. Death count so high he'd probably be called a serial murderer.

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