Ep. 30 Allison Sweetheart

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As I was walking towards the admissions center at the University of California, Long State Beach, I was walking casually when I saw two small children, actually two little blonde girls who I both imagine as sisters . when I looked up, there was this Brunette boy,  with black with brown hair a, he dressed superbly, he looked like a 17-18 year old boy but he looked dressed like a rich kid, you know, the lino shirt with the pants and the loafers.

 I was uncontrollably amazed by him, my body shivered a little, I felt like his eyes were penetrating into my soul, which obviously wasn't normal because he didn't even look at me, he didn't didn't even notice me until I walked into the room. I have to admit he had those badboy vibes but it surprised me, because the way he held the door for the kids, lets me know he's probably a sweetheart inside, all those thoughts that I have him in milliseconds. Arianna the young administrator saw me come in but apparently she was accompanying the kids their way to exit. 

But indeed, when I entered the room and he noticed that I felt how he looked at me, it was like romance but desire at the same time, he looked at my heart then at my breasts, I know It's crazy but he wasn't trying. simulate at all. it was like telling me "Hey, I love your heart and I love your tits" yeah.

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Arianna: ''Hello Allison, I'll be back in a minute''

"Okay, I said."

it was obvious that she was leaving these two children and accompanying them to the exit.


Yes, he didn't hesitate even a little jaja.

''Are you studying Chinese?''

''Yes, aren't you?

'' I a......m ( he did not let me finish) yet he was friendly but a flirtatious smile. 

'' What is your name?

''My name is Allison, Allison Carlyss''

he approached me with all the confidence in the world, and at the same time while he gave me a kiss on the left cheek and the other on the right cheek.

''My name is Harends Shine''

I definitely felt approached by a rockstar, well maybe I'm exaggerating but I mean, very few men have approached me like this guy.

and it was like AHHHHHHHH!

Then he left the room and and sat next to his brother in the hall and said hello to Emma, a rich white girl who is the "unattainable one in class" yeah the popular girl. she smiled at him, then he moved like if  he changed his mind and went to sit next to a litle funny boy , I knew him since that boy is one of my best friends' family. 

well what happens is they were talking and then i sat in front of them but somehow i was kind of dorky about it which is cool, Not all boys make me feel that way. my little bag inside the backpack fell off my legs, one of my pen fell off too, and yes I noticed, as soon as he saw me stting infron of him, he was quite nervous too.

 but try to disimilate myself, not as much as me though. then a girl came in and well it was amazing because she looked at the pen and looked at me smiling like she knew I leave it on purpose come on we're girls she knows I 'was nervous and they fell off me but they fell like magic but hhs,. first the first, and I lift that one (my bag), then the second, which I didn't lift. so I don't really look that awkward to the boy, and I don't make it obvious that I was nervous although, it was clear that I was.

 so I don't really look that awkward to the boy, and I don't make it obvious that I was nervous although, it was clear that I was

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Then the boy I know left. upon his departure. and of course I skipped the whole previous conversation about where he asked me where I studied and if I attended my university's college. what I have done.

''Come, sit here''

I immediately moved away from the seat I was in and moved away from him, apparently he wanted to bring me closer. to better discuss. to better chat and amazing since i was talking to him infront of some girls and well, when i moved closer to him  i felt better and more confident with him and even safer by his side.

We chat for a bit, but then her brother came out and well, and said, "there she is."

I guess it's the girl who was waiting for them, you know their ride

But he did the triangle technique on me, but he didn't want to do it on purpose or maybe he was, but when he started looking into my eyes he looked more deep and longer than usual and it was clear she liked my eyes, they are blue. my eyes and he seemed attracted by it, then he looked at my lips, and moved closer and hissed in my left ear.

"I have to go, but I had to try, I could kiss you, your eyes are deeper than the ocean, I feel drawn to them" and I don't mean it in a brooding way, I really mean it with my heart.''

I was in shock and with my head I bounced.

''yes, if my head could speak, that's what it says'' HEM YESSSSS. but slowly and delicately at the same time, I looked like a puppy moving its head

He proceeded to lean in and look into my eyes again and smile, then he kissed my lips and with the first kiss, he stopped my world and with our heads together, we stood there for like three seconds, my heart beeting slower, like if it wa calm. just the two of us loving the scene, there were people surrounding us but in At that very moment, I felt like he was just the dare boy I had just met and I was the girl who let herself be seduced by Harends, this affectionate older dardevil boy.

Then he closed the door and it was until he left that y heart started bitting as fast as a formula one car or even faster i would say, and that day even on my dreams he appeared and as well i tought about that moment the whole day and night until sleep.

Specially the ''good bye'' which i told him like three times, because honeslty i did not wanted him to leave me, because i had wished to live in that momet forever. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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