Ep.26 Tennesse cute boots girl

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Well it was "a normal day", I was just chilling at home, I went to get the salad my girlfriend left for me, as she was traveling for a photo shoot, I was alone at my house that day. when suddenly I received a call from my sister-in-law.

"Hey know we're close to home, please open the door for us, we're just from Clarksville and we're hungry."

On the girls' side: point of view

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On the girls' side: point of view.So we were in a red Tesla sport, Sydney and I Pamela or just call me ''PAM'', she was driving, she recently got the car thanks to a bank transfer she received from her father in Spain. who is  an entrepreneur. now, well we arrived at Harends house, it had huge blue doors and security. security opened the door for us and he was waiting outside the front door.

Sydney already told me how handsome he was when I saw him. even though he didn't have blue eyes, I felt a strong aura. a strong energy for his presence. I must admit ''I couldn't wait to get to know him''. then Sydeny who is his half-sister. well, he wore a gray shirt with a black and white jacket. and black jeans with shoes. well haha. he was beautiful. well, "HE'S ALL THAT" and his confidence is on another level. because as soon as we enter the house. the car lights revealed themselves and he kept looking at me...especially into my eyes. even if. Sydeny said hello to him.

Then security closed the door and he entered the house, apparently he was going to say hello to me first. so I said hello first, and said hello. we make cheesecake. do you want some. is a vegan and sweet recipe that we have here. a personalized desert. yes, I heard his girlfriend is from Tennessee and he once tried cheesecake from her. However, Sydney told me he was born in Central America. 

Yet he told everyone he was from Florida or New York. and if you met him, you would have believed him. because he described the cities with so much passion and love, it makes him believable ''ever since I was a child in New York, I remember playing snowman with my siblings at the school every winter. and we just loved it, I wish I could go back in time and stay in that era forever, I really love Manhattan and the relaxing time we used to go out with friends and walk around Central Park ''.

 and he also he speaks French. no matter, I was very friendly with him, and above all perhaps because I was very attracted to him. then he came closer to me. "so you're from here, I mean you were tan and you grew up in Tennessee" the tone of his voice changes seductively, and a bit of naughtiness in his almond eyes and smile. yet I responded the same way and with complete honesty and a big smile. 

I said--  ''yes. I am.'' 

'' so, are you going to try the cheesecake. I bet you will like it. '' 

maybe, maybe not. I'm pretty sure you make it delicious, it's just that I recently had a fruit salad.''

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