Ep. 5 Shy girl from the mall 👝

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Well as we all know what happens is that i was at th3 cinema . Just going out from the cinema actiallyx when a saw a girl.

Well iw as in therem i felt. Apresenc elf soemone lookign at me. 💙 when i looked naco ai was staring a. Aboym i tought it was a boy, but it wasn't it was actually. His energy and his presnce yjat i felt super energizar and supoer attacted by him. Can you belive, that what happens actually is that. I looked at hum . Because i tought it was him oookong at him.but no it was his enrgy and o could felt ot. Wjen he does looked at me. He was a bit confused . Why i was llokign at hum and he hold his eyes into mine. I was so suprosed and amzed by flmblushed my hair in a flirtatiid way as a manner of acceptance. Toug, i comedia my hair all the way ip and it was obvius i did uncosciusoy. So then i moved quickly. So he does no apporach me. But woww this man. Wel this boy. Becaue he ñooke dile 18 years old. He indeed approached me anyways he follow me all the way unos the first floor becaye rh3 cinema wa son the sexodn floor. He wa swearimg a marrón sweathsit with a Nike shirt under it and a blue Levis jeans and white Denim shoes. It wa for sure he is financially well . I could notice it. And felt meg attracted to him.

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