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I arrived at his house, not bothering to figure out what to change into this time so I just wore my suit I wore to work. I was very hesitant to go up to his apartment and knock on the door but I still did, not wanting to make my coworker feel like I stood him up either. I walked up to the door and stood at it for a moment. The last time I was here he kissed me... I sighed and brought myself to knock on the door, waiting for the door to open.

A few minutes passed and I heard shuffling behind the door, raising an eyebrow as I heard the shuffling. The door opened after, seeing my coworker. He was still in his work uniform but it was messy. Tie halfway undone, top two buttons undone of his shirt, and his shirt wrinkled. That kind of looks... wait. No. Don't think like that. I cleared my throat. "Hey..." I felt really awkward, standing outside and waiting to be let in.

"H-Hey" he sounded really nervous, laughing softly too. His cheeks slightly red. What was he doing before I got here? Actually, I don't think I need to know... I smiled at him as he stepped out of the way then I walked into the apartment. He shut the door behind me, turning to me after. He put a hand on the back of his neck. "So," He avoided eye contact with me which I was kind of thankful for because I don't think I could handle that after that. "Want to just sit down and talk or...?"

He seemed just as awkward as I was, this was going to be real hard getting through this hangout. I nodded. "Yeah, let's do that." I said as I turned my head over to look at the couch. My nerves suddenly heightened. The last time we sat there, he kissed me. No, I don't think I'll get over that. I hesitantly followed my coworker to the couch then sat down when he did. We sat with a bit of distance but not too much to make this more awkward than it already was.

I put my hands in my lap and looked down at the coffee table. What could we talk about? I mean how could I get over that kiss? I don't know what I was expecting for this hangout but I sure didn't expect this. So awkward. So weird. My mind still raving about the kids. In all honesty, I was confused about the kiss. It made me feel things I haven't felt before. It made me nervous yet it felt nice... Confusing.

"I wanna speak about the kiss." My coworker spoke up, catching my attention. I looked at him. Still not in the eyes but looked at his face in general. He was looking back at me already. "I'm sorry that I did it in the first place but I think we should talk about it so this awkwardness could fade." He shrugged.

"Oh-" I sat up straight when he said that. "W-Why do you wanna talk about that? What could we possibly talk about it?" I sounded nervous as hell which I was nervous as hell. My lips formed a line.

He could tell I was nervous, I didn't do much to hide it anyway. "Well, I want to stop this awkwardness and how nervous you are. You're more nervous than normal." He turned to face me while still sitting on the couch. "How can I help you get over it?"

I hesitated to answer but I only had one thing on my mind to help me figure out everything right now. I let out a shaky breath. "Kiss me again."

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