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Self harm scaring and self harm mention (this is based on my own experience, people have their own experience so this won't be like someone elses)

As I felt my sleeves roll up, I paused as my coworker's eyes landed on my arms. Shit. I didn't want him to know about this or anyone in general to know about this. I quickly moved my arms down so my sleeves rolled back down. Maybe he didn't notice? I looked at his face. He definitely noticed. His gaze staying on my arms even after my sleeves rolled back down.

"You... You-" It seemed like he couldn't speak, he was either so shocked or angry. I still couldn't tell. He slowly reached his hand over to me and grabbed my right wrist with his hand. I flinched and my eyes widened a bit. Shit, shit, shit. That's all I could think right now, I was suddenly stressed and concerned about him knowing. "You cut?" He muttered, quietly so our other coworkers didn't hear.

I furrowed my eyebrows. He wasn't suppose to find this out. "Don't." I pulled my arm away, putting my coffee down then going to walk away. He stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder, his grasp strong.

"The hell you aren't walking away after that?" He moved his hands to my wrist then starts dragging me to somewhere, I didn't know where until I saw the bathroom ahead of us. He pulled me into there then shut and locked the door which I don't think we're allowed to do but he didn't seem to care.

He turned to me as he slowly let go of my wrist, now rubbing my wrist because of the harsh grip he had. I didn't look at him, I couldn't. I felt my stomach turning and lightheaded. "What the hell?!" He suddenly said, loudly too. I just hoped someone else wasn't in the bathroom.

"Why do you care?! You barely know me!" I tried coming off annoyed, rolling my eyes then crossing my arms. I just wished this situation would have never would have been happening. I wanted to storm off, why didn't I? I could just leave even if he tries stopping me. I don't even have to talk to him! Ugh, why wouldn't I just leave and let him go? My body wouldn't budge though.

He scoffed, waving a hand in the air. "Because I care? Ever think of that?!" He seemed really concerned but he came off really rude, it confused me. This whole situation gave me a headache.

"But why?!" I threw my arms out as I raised my voice. "You don't know me, you barely ever talk to me!" I was getting frustrated, can't he just forget what he ever saw? It's not like he's an important person in my life!

He scoffed again, seemingly really getting offended and upset by my questions and comments. "I want to know you! I want to talk to you! I want-" He stopped himself before he could finish that sentence. He groaned in annoyance. "Just let me help you!"

I rolled my eyes. What was that last bit? He wanted what? Eh, it probably wasn't a big deal. "What if I don't want your help?! What are you going to do anyway?" I narrowed my gaze at him, glaring almost.

"Too damn bad." He said slowly as he grabbed my wrist again, pulling my sleeve up and showing the scars. I struggling against his grip, wiggling my arm to try and get out of his grasp but he had a tight hold. "These are recent." He stated as he moved a finger to run across one. I flinched, wincing slightly. They still hurt to the touch.

"Damnit!" I softly exclaimed to let him know he was hurting me yet he didn't seem to care, he kept touching one of the scars.

He focused his gaze on the scars all over my arm, I knew it was an obvious place to cut. Should've done somewhere not so easily seen. "Why are you doing this?"

"None of your business." He tugged on my arm when I said that, making me wince and hiss through my teeth in pain. "Because it makes me feel good when I'm upset." I muttered as I looked away.

He looked at my face with an intense expression. "So it helps you?" He sounded very confused, what was so confusing? I mean it probably is for someone that's never even thought of harming their body more than acted on it. I sighed then nodded. "Come to my home tonight." He looked down at the scars as he hesitantly let go of my wrist, furrowing his eyebrows.

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