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I got home and got ready for bed, laying down as I opened my phone. I realized I had a text from my coworker, we had a good time last night. He kept being a bit touchy and came off a little flirty but it didn't bother me as it would most people. I mean, yeah, it made me nervous but that's because I'm not used to getting that kind of attention.

Anyways, I opened the text. "Got home safe?" He sent this 10 minutes ago. Must have not noticed while I was getting ready for bed.

I smiled at the text and sent back. "Yeah! Lucky for me, I wasn't the drinking." I turned to my side as I stared at my phone.

Almost immediately, like he was waiting at his phone this entire time for me to respond, he sent "Great! Did you have fun hanging out?"

"Of course. You're fun to be around. You sure you won't have a hangover tomorrow at work?" I chuckled to myself, he did drink quite a bit. I worried how he was going to make it through tomorrow.

"Eh, I'll be fine." I sighed, smiling more. Maybe it was good my coworker wanted to hang out, I should be more social than I normally am anyway. "Well if you're so sure, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight pretty guy." I giggled at that, smiling as wide as I possibly could now. "Goodnight coworker."

I was about to turn off my phone when he sent a red heart emoji. I raised my eyebrows a bit. He probably didn't mean that in a romantic way or at least I hoped. I turned my phone off then set it on my nightstand next to me and the bed.
Work was, well, work. Not sure what to say to that. Came in, did some things I needed to do. I was a bit exhausted. Didn't get home until 11 P.M so I didn't sleep as much as I regularly do. It threw me off my schedule but I didn't regret it. I was glad I got to hang out with my coworker.

Speaking of, I was in the break room of the building on the second floor with him. I grabbed a coffee so it could wake me up, I put some sugar in it. I didn't like black coffee, I liked mine with sugar and milk but we didn't quite have all that stuff. I knew my coworker worked in the fourth floor yet he'd always be on this floor during break. I never really questioned it but it was a bit weird, either way I didn't care in the end.

My coworker was downing his coffee, must've had a hangover from the way he looked so tired and seemed a bit agitated with others. He looked at me after taking a big sip of his coffee. "Ugh," He grumbled. "Headaches are the worse." He looked down at his coffee mug.

I watched him practically chugging his coffee, laughing a bit to myself. I did say this was going to happen yet he claimed it would be fine. Didn't seem to fine now. "Well you did drink quite a bit last night." I chuckled out.

He shot a glare at me when I said that. "Don't remind me." He groaned and put the coffee mug down on the counter next to us. We were standing next to the coffee machine. There were about two other people with us in the room. It was a small room so it didn't fit many people.

I yawned and looked away, my coworker raising an eyebrow at me. "Did you not sleep well last night?" I shook my head to his question. "I slept fine, just a bit thrown off my sleeping schedule because of last night." I shrugged.

"Understandable." He nodded as he picked up his coffee mug then took a big sip of the coffee. "Speaking of," He turned his head to me. "Wanna hang out again?"

I didn't expect him to want to hang out again so soon. I looked at his face, his forehead more specifically so it looked like I was looking in his eyes, at least slightly. "Oh" I wasn't sure if I should or not. Tomorrow is Saturday so it wouldn't be bad if I stayed out late again, at least what's considered late for me. "What will we be doing if I say yes?" I wanted to know so i would know if It would be good enough to break my sleep schedule for again.

He clearly didn't think that far ahead, he paused and stared off. He didn't respond for a while. "We could, uhm" He seemed very hesitated to answer, he must have not expected a yes or something like that.

I chuckled and lifted my coffee mug to my lips, my sleeves rolling down to my elbows which revealed something I wasn't ready for anyone to know about. It caught my coworkers attention immediately.

He looked sharply at me then stared for a moment, almost in a glare. He seemed angry or shocked, I couldn't tell.

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