Chapter Eight

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6 Months Ago

"Did you see the photo?"

I stopped on the third stair and looked at my mother raising both my eyebrows. So that's the first thing she says after I finally show myself.

"Yes," I lied.

"Well what do you think?"

"Ugly," I said continuing my way down. I heard her gasp and then the ruffles of her dress as she hurried down the stairs after me - in the most elegant way possible of course. 

"Did you look at it properly?" she demanded as I walked to the kitchen. My stomach was burning of hunger.

I smiled remembering how closely I had watched it burn. The edges litting itself closely and then the whole paper curling as it got engulfed in the warm flames.

"Oh yea," I said walking past the cook who was busy preparing dinner already. I walked over to the cupboard and looked around.

"But he's the bachelor of the year! He is rich, smart and handsome, the best in fact,"

I shrugged looking till I saw a Chocolate bar. I wrinkled my nose, normally I could not stand chocolate or coffee but now was an exception. Grabbing the bar I closed the door ripping the wrapping and biting into it.

My mother glared grabbing the bar from me.

"You shouldn't eat things like these, you're fat,"

I finished chewing and looked down at my stomach and back at her raising an eyebrow.

"I mean you will get fat. You're perfect and curvy, every boys dream wife, if you eat chocolate then you will get fat and won't fit into your wedding dress. It's going to be designed to flair your body Ivory. Don't ruin it-"

I grabbed the bar out of her hands and marched off while she continued speaking. The chef nodded at me and I rolled my eyes, my mother was absolutely crazy I realised seeing what he was preparing. 

Salmon salad.

Not only was salad a bunch of leaves for rabbits in my opinion I didn't understand what part of I do not like salmon my mother never understood.

'It's good for your hair," she'd tell me every time. Hello mother, my hair is fine. I don't need it to be rich and glossy.

Seafood should drown, somehow.

Present Time

He shrugged bitting into it and I shook my head finishing mine and ordering another one. I can't believe he had never had a sausage roll before. Where the hell was he living? Oh right he probably ate gourmeut made meals every day. 


These street foods were to die for.

"Did you want cotton candy?" I asked.

"Cotton what?"

"Candy," I said as he finished his and wiped his mouth. I raised my own tissue and rubbed of the sauce that was probably on my sides. Right I do tend to forget manners. He chucked his tissue in the bin after folding it into a rectangle and I rolled my eyes.

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