Chapter 84 - A new beginning *

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Asha's group went back to the lake as soon as the group of crocodile and dolphin beast men left the island. They have accepted them to be their new neighbors and will visit some other time. The wolves and the capybaras were congratulating Tarik for leveling up to seven stars. Everyone is in a good and festive mood except for Tarik. He was all smiles but deep inside, he felt guilty for he knew that he had harm Asha when he was consumed by bloodlust while in the middle of upgrading his beast stars.

"D'you find this area suitable for your group?"

"The area is spacious and it is perfect for all of us female. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for letting me and my group stay here and for agreeing to accept us all in your guild. We will never disappoint you. We will work hard and help you build this guild and grow."

"That's good to hear. We'll leave you for now. I wanna check the plateau near the reservoir above the lake. We'll see you soon. I'll share with you the housing and road plans so everything will be according to the layout that I have in mind."

"Thank you again female. If you need anything, please, see us anytime. I am Danabe and this is my twin brother Destan. It is an honor to be part of your guild."

All the capybara beast men bows when Asha's group left. They all continued walking along the mountainside's base when Asha stopped and looks upward.

"It would be hard if we climb this mountain just to get to the top of the plateau. We need stairs...."

Asha knelt on one knee as she puts both hands on the ground. Before the male beast men behind her can react, the earth began to shake as stone and pea gravel stairs began to form moving diagonally upwards. It changed direction three times forming a zigzag pathway as it continues to create flight of steps until it reached the very top. Every corner where the steps changed direction formed a gravel platform with what looks like thick tree leafy branches holding it up as it hang but still connected at the mountainside. Railings then formed at both side ends, finishing the long staircase that Asha created.

Asha stood up and walked towards the stairs. It's wide enough for three beast men to use altogether as she took the first flight of stairs. She stopped to look at her companions who are still amazed while looking at what she just created.

"What are you all waiting for? Come, I made this so it will be easier for us to reach the top."

All of them went upstairs, the male beasts are looking at the railings and stairs in amazement as they follow Asha. Dumu is walking beside her as he touch the railings and look at the platform that they just passed by before using another set of stairs.

"Wife, what is that platform for? I see that you made three of those before we can reach the top."

Asha held his hand as she continues to walk. They are both holding at the railings on their sides.

"I made those platforms as resting areas. I was planning to make another path on those platforms to extend and surround this mountainside. I will create set of floors for other possible areas that we might need. Let's just say I'm leaving markers for possible living areas in the future."

Dumu smiled as he look at his wife's back while they continue to climb upstairs. His wife already have plans and is not wasting time. He can't wait for what has yet to come. He can already imagine how their lives will improve. The changes that his wife is making is blowing their minds already. And this is just the start of what Asha has planned for all of their future.

They all reached the top of the plateau and everything looks surreal. It felt like they were transported back to the Abundant Plains but it was a hundred times better. The grassland was a lush green and looks endless. There were different kinds of flowering trees and as the wind blows, the whole area is filled with a sweet flowery scent, making everyone relaxed and soothed. The tiredness that they felt from the hike is worth it.

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