Chapter 87 - Bearing the alpha's mark *

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Asha wipes the tears on her face. Her bright smile tells the wolves that their dance for their alpha female is accepted.

"Thank you... thank you for trusting me to lead your whole race even thought I'm of different race and gender. I will do my best to lead all of you. I'll help you achieve your dreams and be the best of yourselves. We'll achieve greatness, no one will be left behind. Always remember, a single stick is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle. I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together, we can do great things! We will rise as long as we lift each other.

I, Ashanti Bridges, accepts with all my heart, the position of alpha female for all gray wolves."

She raised her wooden glass and drank all the wine 'til there's none. The wolves howled loud that echoes through the island. The capybaras at the foot of the mountain, even the crocodiles and dolphins on the other islands heard it.

"All hail our alpha female!"

The wolves continue to cheer and howl. Asha walked towards them that made them all silent as they wait for her to talk.

"As your alpha, please accept these gifts from me. This might sting a bit but this is my mark, I will let you all wear it. It will be a sign and a warning for other beasts. For the one who bears my mark is protected by me. If they dare disrespect any of you, that means they disrespect me as well. Your enemies will be mine. Now let me bestow you my mark."

She swiped out bean looking green crystal earrings from her space. Those are infused with Asha's mana. She has already planned and made those for them. And now is the right time to give it so it will be useful to them wolves.

Asha first pierced a wolf's earlobe. Little do they know that their blood that touched the green crystal earring is absorbed by it. Making it known to the earring that it is its owner. The wound it created will not totally close, but will absorb their blood from time to time to check if the owner is still one and the same. If ever it get removed, and was worn by somebody else, the new blood it will absorb will be identified as alien. The thief will be poisoned and will die after half a day. For the earring will render it stolen, and Asha's mana will dissipate, making the earring useless for its sole purpose, and that is for them to have access to every rune formation Asha has made. This will be explained to them soon, when she'll be able to talk to them personally.

The wolves were very excited. Accepting something special from their alpha is a great honor for them. One by one, they all go to Asha to receive their earring that was placed on their earlobe. And as everyone can see how attractive they look because of the added shine and sparkle on their faces, the more they feel attractive that boosted some of their self confidence. They praise each other who already have received their earrings. This was a beautiful and unforgettable night indeed!

Tarik was excited as well when it was his turn. He is the last one to receive the shiny gift his master is giving them wolves. He was surprised that the earring Asha is holding is bigger and is a hoop earring. She pierced his earlobe differently for the hole was slightly bigger to accommodate the thickness of the loop. She then used her mana to stick the ends of the loop together to close it. The wolves looked at Tarik, filled with amazement. It made their wolf leader standout, making him look more handsome and more masculine.

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