Chapter 90 - Unwanted visitor *

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The crocodiles and dolphins went back home with full bellies and happy faces. They also get to take home baskets full of savage giant meat that they can share for their villages. But of course, they'll be trading every light pearls that their beast men will gather in the following days. Asha's island will never be shrouded in darkness soon for there will be light even if night time comes for them.

The whole guild was busy completing their houses and tasks assigned to each and everyone. After they were done with wood crafting, Asha introduced them to farming. She had transformed two fertile mountains into terraces that she has already planned where the capybaras would start planting the seeds that she have been keeping in her secret space. There will be fruit-bearing trees, grains, and vegetables to be planted. She wants to experiment as well if she can grow medicinal herbs for having natural medicine would be beneficial too. A compost pit is also ready to keep fertilizers available for their plants. She already connected septic tanks from the toilets that she taught the beast men how to use so everything will be recycled and used so not to harm nature. She then summoned a translucent dome that will cover their fields as protection from thieves like wild birds and insects. Prevention is always better than being reckless.

Since everyone will be busy farming and their houses are already made, it is time for Asha to go back to the Abundant Plains to gather more supplies before dead season starts. They won't be leaving the island after returning for the dead season for they will be very busy in getting the whole island working according to Asha's plan.

Destan and Danube will be joined by Onslo as they look for their other fellow capybaras that will join them back in the island. It was supposed to be Tarik who will accompany them but Onslo insisted that it will be easier for them to track the other capybaras with him assisting the twins. Asha was a bit hesitant but approves for Tarik doesn't want to leave her side. She gave them a green crystal that she infused with her mana that they will use so they can access the bridge when they go back to the island.

Asha will be accompanied by her husband, Tarik and Theo, as all of them will be hunting for more savage giants and if they can hunt for pairs of wild beasts that they can breed to farm, they will also do it. They only have twenty days left to do all of these before dead season officially starts.

The hunting was insane, demented even. For their group was on a killing spree whenever they find a horde of savage giants. It wouldn't matter how big the horde is, for Asha didn't hold back anymore and fought like how she was back in her world. Even if she can't morph into beast form like them, it didn't stop her to attack using all what she have learned from her training for the Mafia. All that knowledge and skills she have acquired while growing up was never put to waste.

The three males were surprised at first for they haven't seen Asha display her full potential in fighting. But the more they watch how skillful Asha is, the more their inner beasts were fueled and burned to not hold back in combat. They didn't see fear in her eyes even once. She was ablazed and thrilled, that made them astonished for she is a beast when she fights, just like them. It also bonded the four together, their teamwork and synchronization was impressive. The trust amongst them got stronger, the awkwardness and hostility that some might be feeling before can't be seen nor felt anymore. They all knew that whatever happens, they all got each other's backs covered.

They still have two days left when the capybaras arrived first at the island with their fellow beast men. They have gathered as much as they can along their way to add to their supply. They have also caught a dozen pair of live flightless birds that lays eggs along with some wild rabbits. It will be their gift to their guild master who have accepted them to be part of their guild.

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