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The plan hadn't gone completely planned, due to your foolish behavior during one of the most dangerous missions, leading to putting the lives of your former team at complete risk.

Not a single avenger had spoken a word to you since you all miserably and tirelessly entered the avengers headquarters to debrief. You sat around a rectangular table, watching the incoming video footage of the fight in new york, analysing everything.

Your leg bounced profusely as you watched anxiously the action you made that almost cost the life of Natasha Romanoff. You had childishly got distracted with a enemy, battering and becoming worked up. You study the way you ran away from your assigned watching out spot, leading to an emeny attacking Natasha, creating an domino affect on the team.

You bit your lip, feeling the stares of your co-workers. You were young but not young enough to know the rights and wrongs within a dangerous mission.

"You see what you did, Y/n?" Tony started, his voice holding anger and seriousness.

"Yep" You muttered, arms folded, closing off to the criticism that was about to arrive.

"You almost screwed us all!" he yelled, trying to get into your subconscious.

"I know. You don't think I know that, Stark!?" you yelled back, the team now all on edge.

You were fairly new to the group, as well as oyur friend, Kate bishop. It felt lonely knowing that your team couldn't accept you, even worse because you were a recent addition to their 'family'.

"Y/n, you need to stop being so immature" Steve now joining in.

"Don't." You glared at him.

You were growing tired of the countless times the team has critised you, even when you had done something well. The feelings of selfworth were being stripped away and all your emotions spilled to the surface as you reached your final breaking point.

The entire room broke out in erupted yelling, each wanting to recall an experience of when you had tragically made a mistake... all except one person.
Your eyes darted around the room, unsure of what to do or how to redeem your reputation. It was humiliating the way each original member of the Avenegers had something they desired to express, that damaged your ego. It was almost premeditated this sudden attack on you. Each comment, cutting your wall down, until there was nothing left and you were in internal pain.

Your heart was racing, your breahitng unsteady. Everytime you attempted to open your mouth, a sharp stab of words hit you.

"It's a joke! You shouldn't have even been hired if this is the way you are going to act, are you trying to kill us or you just that dumb?" Steve's words flew through the air, chipping away that last piece of dignity... leading you to your final decision.

You glared at him, then to each person in the room, reading all of their thoughts. You held your rage in, storming out of the room quickly, and swinging open your own bedroom door. The tears hadn't hit you yet, you just felt furious. Furious due to the humliation and lack of appreciation that followed one mistake on a mission.

You threw around your clothes, landing them into an opened suitcase. You had hit your breaking point and you no longer had motivation to improve and continue saving lives, although this was what you had dreamt about since you were four.

You had given it your all throughout the year but that was never enough. All their love was directed in help Kate, your best friend. She was everything you couldn't be. Her hard detirmantion, skillful moves, accurate aiming. It was everything the avengers needed... and you were just a pity pick in the letter. A broken girl with no home that they felt sorry for; Something to fix.

The clothes that were thrown into the suitcase were bunched together, but you had no care, you needed to leave the campus as soon as possible. You couldn't bare to stay in a place where you are no longer wanted.

"What are you doing, Y/n?" you heard a concerned voice standing at the door.

"Leaving." You muttered, knowing exactly who you were spekaing to.

"Hey, no you're not." Kate's body kneeled next to you, beginning to remove the objects you had carelessly tossed into the baggage.

"Stop, I am" You were determined, not bothering ot meet her eyes.

"Y/n, stop this. You're be ridiculous!" Kate was stern.

"Aren't I always!" anger arose within your tone, stinging her.

"Shut up, Y/n, and stop being a complete child for once." Kate's words seemed to shut you up completely as you tossed another piece of clothing into the bag.

"Look at me." She grabbed your hand before you could touch another item.

You looked up at her with watery eyes, now travelling into the sadness stage. Your anger had fallen away, leaving you broken.

"You're not going to leave, okay? What was said at the table was because we were all tired and needed someone to blame, that just happened to be you. Yes, the mistake you made during the latest mission could have cost the life of Nat, but it didn't." Kate was attempting to reassure you but your heart was set on leaving.

"Kate... I don't want to stay." You whispered, tears rolling down your rosy cheeks.

"Why?" She raised an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to her.

"I'm not good at this. I'm such a screw-"

"-Don't you finish that sentence." Kate cut you off abruptly.
"You are not a screwup. Everyone makes stupid mistakes, but we have to learn just a little faster because our consequences are a lot different from others. You are not a burden, Y/n" She spoke everything you needed to hear.

You sat quietly, letting her express words of wisdom to you.

"The team can be harsh, but it's for our best. If we don't get yelled out, how do we learn?" She looked at your face, seeing a broken and vulnerable girl.

"I know" You breathed shakily.

"Y/n, you are not what they said you are. You are not dumb, you are not a mistake, you are more than those words. You are more than what people see." She rubbed you back.

"How do I know that?" You felt incomplete and lost. Your heart was urging you to keep saving people, but your head was compelled to walk away.

"Because you are the only person who has ever given me a reason to stay. I don't mean with the team, I mean stay alive. You are the person who made my life whole agains and gave it a meaning. So I know that you are more than a stupid mistake." Kate opened up, letting you in.

Her words touch a part of you that needed to healing. Kate's embrace was warm, coaxing you stay. She had a way with words but this time, it was saving you from making one last dumb decision.

"Please don't leave me" she whispered, pressing he lips against your head as she held you in her arms. "I can't do this alone..."

You knew deep down you wanted to stay but that meant change. You had to change the way you acted during a mission; change the way you fought enemies and change you perspective of authority.

You took a deep breath, before your heart took control of you vocals.
"...For you"

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt