Stolen Glances

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Two ex-partners, once knowing every inch of each other's bodies, now only strangers.
She had a boyfriend, you had a girlfriend. It was over.

You stood in a room filled with laughter and chatter, holding your girlfriend around the waist, dreading the arrival of the one you had once planned a future with, Hailee Steinfeld.

"Y/n? Are you okay, you're holding me a bit tight?" your girlfriend spoke, snapping you back into this miserable reality.

"Of course..." you kissed her forehead.

But your grasp was serving as a gentle reminder of who you should be thinking about rather than the truth behind your thoughts.

Time was stretching out, making you more anxious, more disorientated.

Hating your ex-girlfriend was like a snake eating its tail, or worse. It hurts you more than it hurts her and it just keeps going round and round. Everyone says it passes with time, that you'll move on when you find someone new. But although you had someone in your arms now, you could only regret not keeping her from leaving. Not chasing out the door and stopping the car.

As you stood, sipping on a wine to ease the internal pain, excitement erupted close to the entrance door.
Your eyes scanned the room, wondering what the enthusiasm may be about.
Your gaze travels through bodies from the other side of the room. Within a matter of seconds, your eyes travel, meeting her dark pupils as her face seems to freeze in the moment.

It's as if space and time become the finest point imaginable, as if time collapses into one tiny speck and explodes at light speed. It's as if your universe begins and ends with her. As if you could run forever, and search forever, but in the end, every path leads right back to her heart and soul.

Hailee quickly composed herself as people around her greeted her.

It was wrong for your body to react in such a way, your body betraying you. You felt the rosy tint rise to your cheeks as your heart pounded aggressively against your chest. You tipped the rest of what was left in your glass into your mouth before wincing and walking away to a group of people.

The night was painfully awkward as you couldn't help but admire the girl you once loved across the room, in the arms of her broad boyfriend, Josh Allen. It made you so guilty as you rested your arms on the waist of your girlfriend.

Now and then, your eyes would drift between the crowd to admire her, not daring to greet her.

But then it happened.
The second felt like hours.

Her eyes flickered over, accidentally meeting your own, but this time, you couldn't help but not pull your sight away. It was like there was an unspoken understanding between you two. You watched as her intoxicating smile faded, her eyes welled with small droplets, and how she quickly dodged between people to exit the room.

Your body reacted without thought, almost like muscle memory... you followed her. You knew that these actions would have consequences but you couldn't let her walk out the door again, at least not like last time.

You pushed past people, squeezing in between bodies only to almost trip as you shoved the heavy wooden door open. You stood still for a minute, looking left up the hall, while your breath was heavy. Your face seemed to twitch as you didn't see her.

And then you look right...

There she was, speed-walking down the hallway. Your body seemed to take control as you found yourself running out for her, reaching out a hand for hers.

You unconsciously grasped her soft, delicate arm, spinning her around to look at you. She looked down, avoiding your worried eyes.

"Hailee..." You whispered, your hand still gripping her arm.

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now